14 BCE
Creation of our world.
At the beginning there was nothing. It was that nothingness that gave room for potential. Gaia, the mother of Earth was born out of nothingness, and the need for existence. She was very fertile and gave birth to two sons without the need of a man. One son was named Uranus the other was named Pontus. -
13 BCE
After the birth of her two sons. Gaia and Uranus gave birth to many titans. Uranus hated many of his kids and was disgusted by having to witness them. He had less valuable children banished to the underworld far away from him. One of his children, Kronos, was kept in Olympus. Having to witness the betrail of his brothers Kronos vowed to own the thrown one day. -
12 BCE
Kronos (Cronus) is the ruler of the world.
Kronos overthrew his father because he didn't like the way he was handling the world. Kronos eventually had children, who he was scared would have the same instinct he did and would try to kill him. Kronos knew of the prophecy and did everything in his power to prevent his death and continue his rule. This included eating his children. His wife Rhea wouldn't accept this fate and while she was giving birth she hid one of her children and brought him to a cave to be raised. This child was Zeus. -
11 BCE
Zeus Breaks Free
After growing up hidden in a cave Zeus grew a hatred for his father. Once he was an adult he married a goddess named Metis who was known for her wisdom. She told Zeus about a potion that would cause his father to throw up his siblings. Zeus went to free his siblings. After disguising himself Zeus tainted Kronos's wine with the potion causing Kronos to vomit his siblings up according to plan. After Kronos lay on the ground weak Zeus went to gather his uncles who were banished to the underworld. -
10 BCE
Zeus Becomes King.
Zeus takes a trip to the underworld to break his uncles free. They were banished there first by Uranus and secondly by Kronos. After freeing them they were so thankful to be out they fought passionately by Zeus side. Zeus also recruited the help of his brothers Poseidon and Hades. After a ten year war, the Olympians won. Zeus divided up the earth into three sections according to each Gods strength. Zeus became the ruler of the sky, Posiden controlled the water, and Hades lead the underworld. -
Creation of existence.
After the war, most Titans were banished to the underworld. However, two titans decide to dedicate there lives to Zeus. Prometheus and Epimetheus were brothers who were trusted with the task of creating all living things. Epimetheus gave fish scales and birds the ability to fly. He invented every animal and gave them each distinct attributes. Prometheus created the first human. He made them in the image of the gods. Zeus disagreed and wanted more control, he wanted to be worshiped. -
Prometheus and Zeus.
Prometheus and Zeus disagreed with how humans should be created. Zeus wanted them to be vulnerable and reliant on the gods for survival. Prometheus, however, believed his creation should have more potential. After Zeus took fire away from the mortals Prometheus stole it back and returned it to the humans. Giving them power and helping advance there society. When Zeus found out about this he was furious and demanded Prometheus be chained to a cliff and tortured for the rest of his life. -
Prometheus became a well-loved figure in Greek mythology. He represented integrity and left a significant legacy. He was fascinated by humans but also loved them. He's sacrificed his own life in order to help humans advance theirs. Prometheus is memorable because he never regrets helping humanity. In fact, I would argue he views that as his greatest accomplishment. -
Plan for the people.
In order to enact revenge on humans, Zeus needed to come up with a plan. He created a woman named Pandora who like every woman was considered to be an evil being. -
Pandora's box.
Pandora was given a box that she did not know was filled with evil. The Gods told her never to open it. The Gods knew that humans were curious creatures and that the box opening was inevitable. Eventually, Pandora was so fed up with her curiosity that she opened the box releasing the terrible things into the world. However, by opening the box she also realized hope into the world.