crabbe got caught with alcohol in he's locker. the gym teacher that's named Grant noticed he had an alcoholic fall. Grant was one of the reasons he wanted to leave. -
3 people
three people made him decide that today was the day he was gonna leave. It's important cause if those three people didnt do that he wouldn't have left by now. -
Period: to
about a boy leaving home and ending up in a hospital -
he has had enough of everyone so he leaves right afters he's parents went inside. -
Canoe issues
he couldnt lift up the canoe up so he was creating a lot of noise for he's Neighbour hood. So he's afaid he'll get caught and that would ruin everything -
Home Early
he's parents come home early and luckly he had everything packed away. If he's paretns did catch him the storie would be Completely different. -
Ithaca camp
the place where he's adventure starts. this is he's new start to he's new life.. -
Crabbe is trying to work hard to teach him self how to paddle a canoe. it's really hard for him to canoe so he is trying he's best. -
Crabbe was covered in fiah oil and he had candy in he's tent, was asking for it to happen. if this didn't happen Crabbe probably wouldn't have left. -
Crabbe lost control over the canoe and he went right over the falls and almost died but a nice beautiful girl saved him. -
Crabbe got saved by this beautiful talll blonde girl. it's important becuase he meets someone who undersands him. -
Crabbe gets to stay with this nice girl. they know nothing of eachother but thats ok to both of them. All they know is they both ran away. -
The bag
Crabbe touch the girls bag and he gets into a lot of trouble cause the bag tells the girls story and Crabbe isn't suppose to know about the bag. -
The Hidden
Crabbe tells the girl what happen and why he ran away he thought it was no big deal for once he trusted someone. -
Mary gives Crabbe a pipe so he can keep off adge from drinking problem. Crabbe smokes when ever he needs to foget something or clam down. -
Crabbe tells Mary how he feels about her and he says ' I love you" to her and she loves him back but nothing more than a friend. Crabbe understand and everything adds up in the end. -
Mary tells Crabbe it's time to leave and Crabbe seen this coming and he agreed with her. This willl lead up to the part of how he ends up in the hospital. -
sets off for food
Mary and Crabbe set off to get food for Crabbe so he has food when he leaves. they thought no one would be there and mary has been there before so she knows the way there. -
The people
They didn't know there was going to be people in the camp but they need the food so they thought of something that may or may not work. -
Mary and Crabbe go for the food and Mary got caught by the three drunks and gets taken into the hall where something happens to her. -
They run away from the four drunk guys and Crabbe spreads some pepper on the ground to confuse the dog. -
When mary gets taken Crabbe starts a fire to keep them distraced to he can go get mary and save her. the fire gets two of the guys out but the other two are in side passed out. Crabbe gets mary out and starts to leave with her. -
Mary died and Crabbe knew that she died. she "fell" off the clif and Crabbe didn't want to bury her cause he knew the animals would eat her so Crabbe had to burn her. -
the bag
When Crabbe goes throw the bag he sees papers about Mary and it didnt make any sence why she ran away. he wait and thought about it for a few days and then it clicked in she pulled the plug on her husband who was on life support. -
Ithaca camp
Crabbe knew he had to leave so he set off to Ithaca camp so he can start he's new life. -
he goes throw a blizzard and makes it to Ithaca camp he only has a bad left hand. He has a bad frostbite and he finds a cabin in Ithaca camp and stays there to get warmed up after he goes to the main road and someone picks him up. the driver rushes him to the hospital to get help. -
the road
Crabbe made it to the road and got a ride from a truck driver. The truck drive saw his hand and rushed him to the hospital. -
Crabbe had to go into a room with a Cop and a man names mr. Brown. he was ask many questions and Crabbe didnt mind them the fininal thing they said was we have to calll your perents, Crabbe didnt really care if they called home. -
Crabbe meets he's partents in a room and cabbe is thinking for him self although he's partents don't like that they live with it. Crabbe moves back in with his parents. -
Crabbe met a new friend and got a job. He's parents didn't like that but they had to deal with it cause it was he's choose to do it and they have to live with it.