History of computing

Computing History

  • 825 BCE

    Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi

    Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi
    He invented the term ``Algorithm´´
  • 1580

    Francois Viéte

    Francois Viéte
    He began to use letters to symbolize unknown values
  • John Napier

    John Napier
    He was the inventor of the logarithms
  • Period: to

    Blaise Pascal

    Is generally regarded as the inventor of the calculator
  • Period: to

    Charles Babbage

    He was one of the founding members of the Royal Astronomical Society of
    England. He proposed two computer machines moved by steam machines
  • Georges Boole

    Georges Boole
    He published in 1854 his work that says the 1 is true and the 0 false
  • Pehr George Scheutz

    Pehr George Scheutz
    He build a highly specialized differential machine that operated using punched cars
  • Ada Byron

    Ada Byron
    She was the first programmer woman and developed the first programs
  • John Mauchly

    John Mauchly
    He was the person who design the ENIAC
  • Howard T. Aiken

    Howard T. Aiken
    He designed and built the Mark 1
  • Von Neumann

    Von Neumann
    He designed the logical structure of the EDVAC
  • Eckert and Mauchly

    Eckert and Mauchly
    They built the commercial UNIVAC
  • J.C.R. Licklider

    J.C.R. Licklider
    He wrote one concept of the Intergalactic Network,
    where all people is interconnected
  • Vinton Cerf

    Vinton Cerf
    He developed the protocol of internet the TCP / IP
  • William Gibson

    William Gibson
    He novelized the new world and coined the term "cyberspace".