Cold war to present

  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson was a Major League Baseball player.Jackie Robinson is known for being the first african american baseball player in the MLB. He player for the Brooklyn Dodgers. His first season was in in 1947. It impacted society by showing that african americans were just as good at baseball. He was rookie of the year and MVP in 1949. Him playing impacted the MLB and his number, 42, has been retired by every team.
  • T.V. Age

    T.V. Age
    The T.V. Age affected everyone in the U.S. and whoever else had T.V.. The T.V. age was the first generation raised around T.V.s. This was around when T.V.s first became popular. The T.V. age was in the U.S. and anywhere here was T.V.. This is important due to how much money it generates. It also has broadcast important events like presidential inaugurations. The T.V. age impacted the economy because commercials became a 1.5 billion dollar industry in the early 50s.
  • Joseph McCarthy

    Joseph McCarthy
    Joseph McCarthy was a senator from Wisconsin. He claimed to have a list of 57 state dept. employees who were communist. This is important due to people fearing communists infiltrating the government. It also made people dislike Wisconsin due to him falsely accusing people. It impacted politics because people were fired and people couldn't defend the accused. If people defended those accused they of being communist they would also be labelled a communist.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford was president from 1974-1976. He was the vice president for Nixon before he resigned. He was in Washington D.C.. It is important because he pardoned Nixon. He is also the only person to not be elected to Vice president and President. Gerald Ford impacted politics because he started trade with the U.S.S.R..
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan was a president of the U.S.. He was in office from 1980-1988. He is important because he helped reduce nuclear weapons and put the first female justice in the supreme court. He impacted politics by having summits with the U.S.S.R..
  • George H.W. Bush

    George H.W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush was president of the U.S. and father of George W Bush. He served as president from 1988 to 1992. He is important because he signed a test ban on nukes. He also passed the americans with disabilities act. He affected politics through being the 2nd president to be put on trial.
  • 2008 Financial Crisis

    2008 Financial Crisis
    The 2008 financial crisis affected everyone who owned a home and companies like the american auto industry. It started in america and affected the rest of the world's economy. It is important because it was the closest america has ever been to a second great depression. it impacted the economy by causing companies to go bankrupt, people to lose their jobs, and people to lose their homes.