

  • He was born

    He was born
    Winston Churchill was born is Oxfordshire, England. His parents were Lord Randolph Churchill a well-known politician and Jennie Jerome an American socialite.
  • Churchill graduates from the Royal Military College in Sandhurst.

    Churchill graduates from the Royal Military College in Sandhurst.
    He becomes a cavalry cadet of the US military, this is the equivalent of a second lieutenant.
  • Churchill's father dies

    Churchill's father dies
    His father, Lord Randolph dies at the age of 45. Despite the fact that Winston did not have a strong relationship with him, he started to worry because maybe he also may die young and vowed to make the most of his life.
  • Churchill campaigns for Parliament

    Churchill campaigns for Parliament
    Churchill runs for Parliament as a Conservative Party candidate. He loses the election, but his campaigning talents impress a lot of people.
  • Churchill wins a seat in the British House of Commons

    Churchill is elected to be a member of the British House of Commons a year after losing his campaign for Parliament.
  • He moves from Conservative Party to Liberal Party

    He moves from Conservative Party to Liberal Party
    Four years later, after the loss of the conservative party he joins the Liberal Party.
  • Churchill is getting married

    Churchill is getting married
    In a St. Margaret's Church at Westminster Abbey, Churchill marries Clementine Hozier, whom he met four years ago at a ball. They will have a total of five children.
  • He becomes a Prime Minister

    He becomes a Prime Minister
    Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigns and Winston Churchill takes over as Prime Minister at the time Germans prepare to invade France in World War II. He refuses to deal an armistice with Germany, and the Germans begin bombing London two months later in the Battle of Britain. The German bombing campaign is a complete failure.
  • Iron Curtain speech

    Iron Curtain speech
    Iron Curtain speech was a speech given on March 5, 1946, in Fulton, Missouri, in which Churchill emphasized the need for the United States and Britain to act as peace and stability keepers against the threat of Soviet communism, which had lowered a "iron curtain."
  • He wins the Nobel Prize for Literature

    He wins the Nobel Prize for Literature
    Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values."
  • Churchill death

    Churchill death
    In 1953, while still in power, Churchill suffered a heart attack, therefore the BBC and all other national newspapers would have written memorials/ tributes in advance to be published when he died.