Christopher Wilde's physical development ages 1-10

  • 1 year

    baby can stand up and sit down!
  • 2 years

    Christopher Wilde can run, walk, jump, and stand on one foot temporarily
  • 3 years

    Christopher Wilde has all 20 teeth, he can walk up stairs, ride a tricycle, and can stand on his toes
  • 4 years

    Christopher Wilde can sing, hop on one foot, catch a ball, and walk down stairs
  • 5 years

    Christopher Wilde can jump rope, walk backwards, use scissors, and tie his shoes
  • 6 years

    Christopher Wilde has grown 2 and a half inches since he turned 5 and gained 7 pounds. He has his molars and lost his first tooth.
  • 7 years

    Christopher Wilde can dance, twist, spin, and play soccer
  • 8 years

    Christopher Wilde's reaction time and coordination has really improved, he's a soccer prodigy
  • 9 years

    Christopher Wilde's fine motor skills are improving and he has great handwriting. He is also getting stronger and can lift heavier things.
  • 10 years

    Christopher Wilde is further developing his soccer skills, and his arms and hands are steadily growing.