Date of Birth
In El Segundo, California, United States -
Christopher Mccandless graduated from Emory University
With a bachelor's degree in the double majors of history and anthropology. -
Mccandless donated most of his savings to charity and adopted a vagabond lifestyle, working when necessary as a restaurant food preparer and farm hand.
He felt the money corrupt the people, so he decided to donate all his money and start a trip to Alaska, where he wanted to live, far away from the society. -
McCandless had driven his Datsun through Arizona, California, and South Dakota, where he worked at a grain elevator in Carthage.
A flash flood disabled his car so he continued his trip by walking and he changed his name for Alexander Supertramp. -
McCandless hitchhiked from Carthage, South Dakota, to Fairbanks, Alaska.
McCandless hitchhiked from Carthage, South Dakota, to Fairbanks, Alaska. -
McCandless found a abandoned bus which he called "The Magic Bus" where he lived for about three months
After living three months into the wild McCandless decided to go back to the civilization, but he couldn't because the trail was blocked by the Teklanika River
McCandless died by intoxication after eating the wrong berries, but he realized that he lived his life happy.
A hunter found McCandless' decomposing body in his sleeping bag, he also found a SOS note and a highlighted text in his book that said "Happiness is only real when is shared"
Jon Krakauer started selling his book "Into The Wild" where he wrote about McCandless' life, and it became very famous.
Sean Penn directed the film "Into The Wild" based in Krakauer's book.