che guevara

By peytonp
  • Birth

    1928 June 14, Ernesto Guevara was born in the city of Rosario, Argentina and in 1932 Guevara’s family moved to Alta Gracia, province of Cordoba, Argentina
  • travaling

    1951 December; he left for Chile and Peru with his friend Granado. Guevara lived for a short time in the leper colony of Huambo. Then he continued his journey to Bogata and later to Caracas.
  • school

    1953 Back in Buenos Aires, he finished his studies in medicines. After that, he left for Bolivia with another friend, Ferrer. They planned to go to Venezuela, passing through Peru and staying for some time in Guayaquil, Ecuador. They met others Argentinians and decided to go to Central America. They travelled through Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala. There, Guevara met Hilda Gadea, whom he would marry with later, in Mexico. Guevara got in touch with Peruvian exiles
  • mexico

    1954 June; invasion of Guatemala against Arbenz’s goverment. Guevara had to escape to Mexico, where he met Cuban exiles.
  • cuba

    1955 July; he met Fidel Castro who told him about his plans to invade Cuba. He joined the group and started his military training
  • commander

    1956 December 2; disembarked on Cuba’s south coast. December 18, the 12 survivors started the first guerrilla in the Sierra Maestra. 1957 June; Che was named commander. By the end of the year, the war in Cuba entered the decisive stage. Guevara was requested to make the journal Cuba Libre in the mountain range. 1958 December 29; Che’s column fought its final battle and overtook Santa Clara. December 31, president Fulgencio Batista escaped to Santo Domingo.
  • marriage

    1959 January 2; triumphal entrance of Che and Camilo Cienfuegos in La Habana. February; Che is declared Cuban born. On June 2, he married Aleida March. From june till august, Che travelled through Africa, Asia and Yugoslavia. On October 7, Fidel Castro named him head of the Industry Department in the Agrarian Reform’s National Institute. On November 26, he is named president of the National Bank
  • guerra de guerrillas

    1960 Che finished his book “Guerra de guerrillas”(“Guerrilla warefare”), published under the responsibilty of the Rebel Department’s Instruction Deparment. Its first edition is censored all over Latin America. On July 26, during the First Latin America Youth Congress, Che defined the Cuban revolution as a marxist one. In October, he wrote “Nota para el estudio de la revolucion cubana” (“Notes for the studies about Cuba’s revolution”), in which he reviewed the revolution’s stages. From October 21
  • cuba

    1961 On February 23, he was named Minister for Industry and he quit the National Bank’s presidency. In April, he wrote “Cuba, caso excepcional o vanguardia en la lucha contra el imperialismo” (“Cuba exceptional case or avantgarde in struggle against imperialism”). On april 17, Playa Giron was invaded. Che was the commander of the military regions. August; Che represented Cuba in the CIES meeting in Punta del Este (Uruguay). He made a short trip to Buenos Aires and had a secret meeting with the A
  • united nation

    1963 June; Che sent Masetti and a group of Cubans to organize a guerrilla in the northern region of Argentina. He wrote “Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria” (Revolutionary war passages”). In December, he spoke in front of United Nations’ Assembly and he refered to the armed struggle as the only way to realize socialism. He travelled to Mali, Guinea, Ghana, Dahomey and Tazania. 1964 March; he went to Peking. On march 25, he made a speech in Ginebra in the Global Conference of Commerce and Devel
  • brazzaville

    1965 January; he moved to Brazzaville, Congo, where he discussed the anti-imperialistic struggle in Africa with president Alphonse Massemba Debat. Then he went through Guinea, Ghana, Dahomey, Algiers and Paris, where he received the news about Masetti failure. In Febrary he travelled to Tanzania and he took part in the Second Afroasiatic Solidarity Economic Seminary, in Algiers. On march 3, he got in touch with Congo’s rebels again. He made a secret trip to Peking. On march 12, “El socialismo y