
charlie dickens

  • Charlie Dickens born

    Charlie Dickens born
    He was born on 7th of February 1812 in Portsmouth, England.
  • His childhood

    His childhood
    When he was five years,the family moved to Chatham.He attended school seven years to nineteen.
  • Family Problems

    Family Problems
    His family was middle class,but their economic situation became worse when his father was imprisoned.But in the end everything is solved.
  • Adolescence Charles

    His adolescence was spent working as an assistant (1827)
  • Popular books

    Popular books
    Charlie wrote many books but there are more are popular as oliver twist,Chirismas Carol.
  • Charlie and fame

    he won much fame but gradually dropped his fame England when he publish american notes
  • Charlie Dickens crisis

    Charlie Dickens crisis
    Dickens was subject to a heavy workload designed to meet you readers,and fell into crisis.There was a break with their editors.
  • Death of Charles Dickens

    Death of Charles Dickens
    On 8 June 1870, Dickens suffered a stroke at home