the berth of charley fox
On feb 26 1920 he was born in Guelph Ontario to his mother and fothetr. -
Period: to
charly fox
canadian war hero -
The airforce
from 1931-1940 Fox traind yong pilets in the british air force.
He also got to fly the fastest plains in the airforce. he got to do theas things becouse he gradusted 2 in his class when he was traning. -
worled war two
http://charleyfox.com/¨(the ofishal dayet is un none but the year is ofishal)
At 19 charley fox went to ww2. He was an airfors pilot.
The went on 222 airfors mitions when most pilots would not go on more then 50. Fox also ingerd Ganral Romel the moset advertised solders.and becouse of that he was no longer abele to do the things the was there to do. -
comeing home
http://charleyfox.com/ (date un none )
When 23 Charley arived hameto Guelph in the fall of 1943, to his sun and wife. He also came home to this jog at a depatrment stor that he had left to go to the war. -
I Needed to do More
http://charleyfox.com/(no afishal date)
After fox had come home he relized that he wonted to do more.He disided to wonted to make shour that no one would ever forget about the sacrfises thet all the men and woomen made during the war.So he took a trip all acros ontario and toled people all about the sacrifices that the solders nerses and war partisapints had made for canada. -
Why Not Me
http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/95/language/en-CA/Goodbye-Charlie--A-Tribute-to-Charlie-Fox.aspx Charley srerted to right a book coled Why Not Me.
Unforchinitly charley died befor he could finis this stoy. -
thatt dredfull day
On oct 18 2008 88 year oled charley fox sadly got in to a car crash and past on. Fox lived an exiting and unprdictabe life he really was a real war hero. -
Acanadian war hero part 1
In my opinyion charley fox was a canadian war hero for meny difrent resions .But 2 realy stood out to me during my reding on him. The fifst one was that during the war charley ingerd a girmen solder that was a very populer powerfull solder . That helped canada in the war and made it les difcult. -
A canadian war hero part 2
The second thing that i think that made and makes fox a war hero is the fact that after the war he still did thing for people that where in the war. He spred awarnes about the sacrfises the solders and war prtisapints mad duringthe war. Charley helped and gided thos to think about what they did. Charley Fox has and always will be rememberd as a canadian war hero.