
Charles Dickens

  • Birth of Charles Dickens

    Birth of Charles Dickens
    Charles Dickens was born on February 7,1812 in Landport belonging to the city of Porthsmouth,at birth the family moved to London,Somerset house at number ten on Norfolk Street.
  • Charle's education

    Charle's education
    In 1817 when Charles was 5 years old he moved to Chatam,Dickens was dragging debts,a lot of money for unnecessary things,for this reason Charles did not receive any education the age of 9 years,after going to a school in Pome Land in William Gile,a graduate in Oxford
  • Father in prison

    Father in prison
    In 1823 the Father was denounced for lack of payment of his debts and was imprisoned in Marshalsea Prison. Charles Dickens was only 11 years old,most of the family moved to live with Dickens Father in prison,at that time the law allowed it.
  • Charles begins to work

    Charles begins to work
    In 1824,at the age of 12 he was considered to be old enough to start work,so he began his working life,in days of 10 hours at Warre's boot factory, a footwear factory.
  • The economic situation of Dickens and his family

    The economic situation of Dickens and his family
    In the work of Dickens he earned 6 chilenes a week (old English currency),with the money he earned he had to pay for this accommodation and also helped his family,most of whom lived with his father,was imprisoned.
  • The Father and the family of Dickens out of prison

    The Father and the family of Dickens out of prison
    After a few months Dicken's family was able to leave Marshalsea prison,bit the family's economic situation did not improve until after a time,when Charle's paternal grandmother diez,his Father received a 450-pound inheritance.
  • The beginning of his interest in the theatrical scene

    The beginning of his interest in the theatrical scene
    In 1828 he became interested in the theatrical scene,and enrolled in acting classes,but on the day of the casting he suffered from the flu and was unable to attend.
  • Charlie Dickens marries

    Charlie Dickens marries
    In 1836 Charles Dickens contracted matrimony with Catherine Thompson Hugarth, they had 10 children. Charles Culliford,Mary dickens,Kate dickens,Walter landor,Alfred dickens,Tennyson Dickens,Henry fielding dickens,Dora Annie dickens,Edward Bulwer,
  • Dickens health gets worse

    Dickens health gets worse
    Dickens' health worsens, the change in his health is caused by the death of his father, his daughter and his sister Fanny.
  • Dickens suffers an accident

    Dickens suffers an accident
    In 1856 when Dickens returned from France he suffered an accident, a railway collision from Staplehurt, the first seven bagones of the train fell from a bridge, the only bagon that did not fall was where Dickens was.
  • Charles dickens dead

    Charles dickens dead
    Charles Dickens dies the day after suffering a stroke without regaining consciousness. His great dream was to be free and he got it as a writer........