"Young Italy"
In 1832, Giseppe Mazzini created "Young Italy". This was a group of italian patriots dedicated to make italy a free and independent country. He wouldnt stop until he had made this true. -
King of Italy
In 1849, Victor Emmanuel, the ruler of Sardinia, was given the title "King of Italy." Three years later, Camillo di Cavour became prome minister of Sardinia. He had promised to drive out the Austrians and unite Italy. -
The Helping of Sardinia
Cardinia strenthened Sardinias army. He helped make banks, fatories, and railroads. He also improved the trade system. Also he believed in seperation of church he helped influence sardinia by siding with france and great britian. -
Garibaldi and the kingdom of the two sicilies
Garibaldi and his red shirts put out the ruler of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Soon after this people decided to join Sardinia. They had seen the failure in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. They joined Sardinia so they wouldnt be left unsuccessful. -
The Completion of the Unification
The citizens of Rome voted overwhelmingly to become part of Italy. They had been through so much they only wanted to do what was best. The Franco-Prussian war helped complete it.This completed the unification of Italy.