cdf timeline

  • Where it all begins

    In August 1950, Bayardo San Roman first sees Angela crossing the town square with her mother. Bayardo was there to find someone to marry and believed Angela was the one at first sight as he later gifts her a music box made with mother of pearl. Although Angela strongly opposes getting married to Bayardo, her mother nearly forces her and even says "love can be learned too" (35). Angela Vicario's family is not of material wealth which could have dictated their decisions. (pg 25 - Chapter 2)
  • Which house do you like?

    Almost four months after being engaged, Bayardo asks her which house she liked with the intention of buying it for them to live in. She tells him about a farmhouse owned by a widow named Xius who was not willing to sell the house due to his attachment. However, after raising the price to ten bags of thousands of pesos, he could not refuse and Bayardo bought the house. (pg 35 - 37)
  • The Autopsy

    Just days after his brutal murder, an autopsy was performed on Santiago as there was no fridge big enough to fit his body. The poorly performed autopsy was done by a first year medical student and Father Carmen Amador at a public school. The report describes Santiago's liver being sliced to pieces with his death being caused by seven fatal stab wounds. After the autopsy was finished, his intestines were put in a bag and tossed away, and his body was quickly buried. (pg 75)
  • The Town Smells like Santiago!

    Shortly after the autopsy of Santiago, people, including the Vicario brothers, begin to notice that they smell like Santiago Nasar and that the town smells like him and his blood. This is a possible representation of the citizens of the town having "blood on their hands" for not warning Santiago; it could also symbolize his lasting impact on the town. (pg 78)
  • Bayardo after the Murder

    A week after the murder, the mayor goes to check on Bayardo who is passed out drunk and on the brink of death. He had been drinking his sorrows away for multiple days most likely due to the heartbreak Angela brought him. After all, he had traveled to her town in the pursuit of love and believed he had found it in Angela; however, it was all a trick. (pg 84 - 87)
  • Santiago's murder

    In February of 1951, Santiago Nasar woke up at 5:30 in the morning. The day was unusual as he wore white clothing that he usually only wore on special occasions and even walked out of a different door of his house than the one he usually does when he wears his fancy white clothes. Waiting for him at a nearby milk shop are Pablo and Pedro Vicario who eventually kill him with knives. People assumed Santiago would be okay as many knew of the plan to murder him and assumed he would too. (ch1)
  • Vicario Twin's leading up to the murder

    After Angela told her brothers Santiago took her virginity, they went looking for him at Maria Cervantes' house. They then go to the butcher to get their knives sharpened and even tell the butcher why they were there. The butcher reports them to the police. The policeman takes the knives away and says they were bluffing as the brothers were good people. They then get two new knives from their home and have them sharpened again before they go to the milk shop and kill Santiago. (pg 50- end Ch3)
  • The investigation + what actually happened

    12 days after the murder the magistrate arrives. He is puzzled that Santiago and Angela seemingly had no relation and Angela never specified when or where he took her virginity. He died in confusion. He was with Cristo Bedoya, as they were walking a man named Yamil Shaium warned Santiago he would die. Cristo went to talk to Yamil while Santiago continued home to change to eat breakfast with the narrators daughter. (Ch 5)
  • The investigation + what actually happened (Cont)

    After talking with Yamil, Cristo ran to find Santiago at his house, he was not there and he picked up an unloaded gun to protect him. Cristo then ran into the at the social club Colonel who didn't believe that the Vicario brothers were going to kill Santiago as he had taken their knives, he realized they had got new ones. Flora Miguel was humiliated that Santiago would have to marry Angela. She gave him all the letters he sent and said she hoped they killed him. (ch 5)
  • The investigation + what actually happened (Final)

    While Cristo ran to his house hoping to see Santiago eating breakfast, Santiago was at Flora Miguels house, he knocked and woke up her father. As he walked away, Clotilde Armenta yelled at him to run, he ran to his front door which was locked as Divina Flor lied to his mother and said he was home in his room. The Vicario twins caught up to him and stabbed him. With his intestines out of his body, Santiago took a lap around his house and went in through the kitchen door, where he died. (ch 5)
  • The wedding

    The night before the murder was when Angela Vicario married Bayardo. The wedding was a large spectacle with many attending, including Santiago and his friends. The series of events after the wedding are spotty however, Angela and Bayardo went to their new house, however, later in the night, he drops her back at her home and Angela's mother Pura beats her as Angela's secret of not being a virgin got out. Later, Pedro asks her who she lost her virginity to (Santiago). (mentioned throughout book)
  • Period: to

    The Vicario Family After the Murder

    After the murder, the Vicarios left the town and moved to Manaure. Angela wrapped her face to hide the bruises from her mothers beating and wears red so no one thinks she is mourning her "secret lover's" death. Shortly after, Poncio Vicario dies. The twins, Pablo and Pedro, are arrested and waited three years to be tried. They were acquitted, Pablo became a goldsmith and Pedro went into the army. (pg 83)
  • The Trial of the Vicario Twins

    Three years after the killing of Santiago Nasar, Pedro and Pablo Vicario were brought in for trial. They had been in jail for three years as they didn't have enough money to post bail. During the trial, they admitted to the crime of homicide and explained their motives. They showed no remorse and even said that they would gladly do it again to protect their sister. Despite them admitting to the crime, they are still acquitted. Due to their honor to God for protecting Angela. (pg 48- 50)
  • Angela writes to Bayardo

    Angela had begun writing letters to Bayardo since 1951. Over the course of 17 years, she wrote around 2000 letters without any response. The narrative has switched as it was initially Bayardo chasing Angela yet the roles are reversed possibly because she is addicted to the idea of chasing Bayardo. Pg 93, describes the pursuit of love, how does Angela, Bayardo, Santiago, and the Vicario twins fit into this metaphor. In August, Bayardo comes back with a suitcase of all the letters. (pg 93- 95)
  • Flashback

    Though the events of the book occur in 1951, they are described in hindsight as in 1978, the narrator talks with Santiago's mother about the day he was killed. They talk about the weather and how many have different memories of the weather, Santiago's dreams and what they could have meant, the arrival of the bishop, the letter warning Santiago that he never saw, the roosters and firewood given to the, bishop, and the events shortly after Santiago's death. (pg 3)