Catcher in the Rye Timeline

  • Kicked Out

    Kicked Out
    Holden Caulfield, the main character was kicked out of Pencey Prep, the boarding school he went to, for failing four classes and not trying to succeed.
  • Mr. Spencer

    Mr. Spencer
    After Holden got kicked out, he went to go talk to one of his old teachers, Mr. Spencer. Mr. Spencer is very old and sick, and all he did was frustrate Holden. He got very irritated and made an excuse to leave.
  • Stradlater's paper

    Stradlater's paper
    Holden's roommate, Stradlater, asked Holden to write an english paper for him since Holden is good at writing. Holden wrote about a baseball mitt that belonged to his late younger brother, Allie. Stradlater was not happy with the result.
  • Fight

    Holden realized that Stradlater went on a date with one of his female friends, Jane. He got mad because Stradlater is basically a womanizer. The two of them got in a fight and Holden lost.
  • New York City

    New York City
    Holden took the train to New York City and went to a hotel. He met three girls and he liked one of them, and danced with her. Then he went to a club called Ernie's and saw his older brother's former girlfriend, which gave him an excuse to leave.
  • Stripper

    Holden got a prostitute named Sunny and she could tell that he was a virgin. He told her that he just needed someone to talk to. Sunny said Holden owed her more money even though that wasn't their deal, so the elevator man punched him and took money.
  • Sally

    Holden was feeling very lonely so he called his ex girlfriend Sally and they went to a movie together. He thought she was very pretty and he was in love with her, so he asked her to run away with him. He got very upset when she said no.
  • Phoebe

    The entire book, Holden had been really missing his little sister, Phoebe. He wanted to see her very badly, but not his parents. He snuck into her room and scared her. She wanted to come with him but he wouldn't let her. She gave him her Christmas money and he gave her his hunting hat.
  • Mr. Antolini

    Mr. Antolini
    He needed a place to stay and he was running out of money so he went to his old teacher's house. He woke up to Mr. Antolini petting his head and was very weirded out. He thought Mr Antolini was gay so he left.
  • Zoo

    Holden decided to run away to the west and make a life for himself there. He gave a note to one of Phoebe's friends, and Phoebe came running after Holden with a big suitcase, wanting to come with him. Holden realized he needed to stay, and he and Phoebe went to the zoo.