
  • Yossarian is in the hospital with a "liver condition"

    He is faking it to get out of World War II and is put in charge of censoring letters. His roommate the Texan is a bigot, who is driving everyone crazy.
  • Yossarian returns to war

    He tries to go to the doctor to be taken off duty, but the doctor refuses because Yossarian only has 44 of the 50 missions required to be discharged.
  • Doc Daneeka is unhelpful and complains about how hard his life is

    The doctor is very afraid that he is getting sick and has the health staff check his temperature often. He is always healthy. He complains often to Yossarian about how difficult his life is. He used to have a nice office before he was drafted. Although Yossarian helps the doctor to fake his flight hours, the doctor never helps Yossarian.
  • Yossarian is introduced to Catch-22

    Yossarian decides to go crazy to get out of the war. Doc Daneeka tells Yossarian that one has to be crazy to get out of combat, but to be discharged they must put in a request, which proves they're not crazy because they are worried about their own safety.
  • A fight breaks out between Orr and Appleby

    The fight was over Ping Pong and Orr lost. The fight results in Chief White Halfoat punching Colonel Moodus in the nose. From then on Dreedle has Halfoat punch Moodus in the nose often.
  • We learn about Major Major's life

    His name had always alienated him. He went to school but was an outcast until he joined the military. There he found some camaraderie and was happy until he was promoted. He was alienated again and ate alone.
  • The men receive news that they have a mission in Bologna

    They are all very fearful because it is very dangerous and many try to call in sick. This results in the hospital being shut down so nobody can call in sick. The men gather around the map at night, trying to move the bomb line above Bologna. One night Yossarian sneaks in a moves it out of Bologna. The next day the mission is cancelled.
  • Milo is promoted to mess officer

    Major ------ de Coverly says that Milo makes a good mess officer, when Milo replies that he is not a mess officer, Major de Coverly repeats himself and from then on Milo is a mess officer.
  • Yossarian avoids Bologna

    On the flight to Bologna, Sampson keeps telling Yossarian that there is nothing wrong with the plane. Yossarian says that he can't hear Sampson and that therefore they must turn back. Yossarian avoids questioning about why they turned back. Later American planes fly in victorious. Bologna didn't turn out to be so bad.
  • Yossarian is sent to fight in Bologna

    The first formation didn't get the job done so Yossarian is sent. He spends the whole trip yelling at his men. He hits the target but is almost shot down multiple times by barrages of flak. Aarfy distracts Yossarian and eventually Yossarian begins hitting him.Their plane is hit. Yossarian and Orr survive but many behind die. Yossarian packs for rest leave in Rome.