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Canadian Prime Minister

  • Period: to

    Prime Ministers

  • Sir John A Mcdonald

    Sir John A Mcdonald
    Born 1815.01.11.
    He was the first Prime Minister of Canada.
    He built the Canadain Pacific Railway.
    He opened the west for settlement
  • Sir Robert Borden

    Sir Robert Borden
    Born June 26 1854.
    He let the women the right to vote and hold office.
  • William Lyon Mackenzie king

    William Lyon Mackenzie king
    He wa prime Minister three times
    He was the tenth Prime Minister.
    He was liberal for 22 years.
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau

    Pierre Elliott Trudeau
    Born October 18 1919.
    Prime Minster of Canada for 25 years.
    Had much to do with shaping Canadian cultural identity the way it is today.
  • Kim Campbell

    Kim Campbell
    Born March 10 1947.
    First Female Priminister.
    Campbell cut the number of federal ministers from 75 cabinet ministers and ministers of state to 23.
  • Steven Harper

    Steven Harper
    He is the current Prim Minister.
    He put more money into a military and made promises of cutting GST by 1%.
    Born April 301959