Call of the Wild

  • Buck Gets Sold

    Buck Gets Sold
    Manuel was a gardener who worked at Judge Miller's. He was in much debt and he had a big gambling problem. One day he went out and sold Buck to Francious and Perult. They were couriers. This is foreshadows that Buck will have to live with a new owner and have a tuff life ahead of him. This describes how he metamophisoses because it shows that he is mature enough to live in This describes how he metamophisoses because it shows that he is mature enough to live his life no matter what happens.
  • Curly Die's

    Curly Die's
    Buck and Curly get transfered to Alaska to become race dogs. There were many other dogs there, but there was one bad dog. The dogs name was Spitz. One day Spitz attacked Curly and then the other dogs jumped in, and they furociously murdered Curly. This juxtaposes Spitz and Buck because Spitz is a killer but Buck is not. Even though they are in a miserable place Buck knows how to keep his cool unlike Spitz.
  • curly dies

    curly dies
    This describes how Buck metamorphosis because it show he can live without a good friend and that is a part of growing up.
  • Spitz die's

    Spitz die's
    After Spitz kills Curly and the rabbit Buck just gets ferociously mad. Curly was Bucks only friend, the dog he could look up too, and the dog he could play with. This foreshadows that Buck is going to become a savage. This shows he has metamorphosised because he now knows how to stick up for himself.
  • Dolly die's

    Dolly die's
    Dolly becomes a savage of a dog. she has white stuff coming out of her mouth and she is acting very strange. Suddenly, and axe came and chopped her head off. Dolly has died along with the others. This symbolizes that where the dogs live is a death hole. This illistrates him metamorphosing because he can still live his same life when a close friend gets hurt.
  • Dave die's

    Dave die's
    Dave is a very sick dog. One day the dogs were traveling and he was too sick to go any farther. The other dogs left him and a man shot him with a revolver. This symbolizes that in Alaska it is every dog for themselves. This shows that he has metamorphosised because he knows not to stop and quit when a friend or team mate gets hurt.
  • Buck becomes leader

    Buck becomes leader
    Buck has killed Spitz. Spitz was the lead dog now there is an open slot for Buck to become leader. Buck works very hard and he becomes leader. This symbolizes that if you try your hardness at something you can do it. This shows how he has metamophsed because he has advanced to the top and no he has grown up.
  • Thorton becomes a savior

    Thorton becomes a savior
    John Thorton is a very nice man. He comes to visit Hal and the dogs one day and he walks in on Hal beating Buck. Therefor, Thorton sprang into action and pushed Hal away. Thorton had saved Bucks life. This foreshadows that Buck and John are going to be good friends. This shows how has metamorphsed because it illistrates that he has a friend and making friends gives you the talent to talk and be kind to people. Thats is how he has metamorphsed.
  • John cuts his traces

    John cuts his traces
    John Thornton has cut Bucks traces. These are what holds Buck to the dog sled, these are what keep the dogs under controll, and these are what angers the dogs. This foreshadows that Buck is going to become a free dog if he lives with John. This catches the sight of Buck metamorphasing because now he is free and he lives on his own like an adult.
  • Buck saves John

    Buck saves John
    John Thorton was trapped in fierce water rappids. Buck spotted him and tried to save him. Buck tied a rope around his neck, and the John grabbed on. Buck then pulled him to saftey. This symbolises that Buck and John have a good relationship. This describes how Buck is metamorphosing because it shows that he will risk his life for someone elses and that is what a grown person or dog would do.
  • Thorton dies

    Thorton dies
    Suddenly, these indians arrived where John and Buck were. The indians killed John while Buck was somewhere else. This foreshadows that Buck will have a very hard life ahead of him. This describes how he metamophisoses because it shows that Buck can live without a leader.
  • Buck is now a wolf

    Buck is now a wolf
    After John Thorton died Buck was living by himself. Then he joined a wolf pack. Buck had a good wolf like howl. This symbolises that he has finally metamorphosed completely. This is because he can do everything he is faster, stronger, and smarter in a wolfpack.
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    Call of the Wild