Butler History of Astronomy

  • 322 BCE


    384-322 He was a great Philosopher and Scientist.He was a student of Plato's.He also wrote as many as 200 treaties.He was the first to develop a formalized system for reasoning. Aristotle's emphasis had good reasoning on the scientific method.Aristotle rejected Plato's theory of forms.
  • 168


    100-168 His first work was the Almagest. He is an Egyption Astronomer, mathematician and a geographer of Greek.His writings represent achievements of Greco-Roman Science, mostly his model of the universe now called the Ptolemaic system. He lived until about 170 ce. He argued that the Earth is a stationary sphere.
  • 1543


    1473-1543 He proposed that the planets revolved around the sun. His model formed a strong foundation for the future scientists.During his lifetime most people believed that Earth stayed still in the center of the universe, and the sun, stars and the planets revolved around it.He said that the planets revolved around the sun not around the Earth.
  • Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    1546-1601 He is a danish astronomer.He measures and fix's the stars.The Professer of mathematics helped him with an only printed astronemer book.Other teachers helped him with small globes.He traveled widely and used different instraments.
  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    1570-1619 He applied to the States General of the Netherlands for a 30 year patent on his instrument. The states General said that no patent should be granted because so many people knew bout the work that it could easily be copied. He built his own telescope. He is a Dutch Inventor.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    1571-1630 He is a German astronomer. He found out that the planets moves with the sun at one focus, there is an exact relationship between the squares of the planets. Kepler himself did not call these discoveries laws.
  • Galileo

    1564-1642 He is an Italian natural philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. He developed the scientific method. His discoveries with the telescope revolutionized astronomy. He was admired with mathematics and decided to do mathematical subjects and philosophy a declare against the protests of his father.
  • Difference between Refracting and Reflecting telescopes

    Difference between Refracting and Reflecting telescopes
    The refracting telescope it uses a system of lenses to refract light rays. A reflecting telescope uses a system of mirrors to reflect light rays. Reflecting are usually used for seeing brighter stars and planets. Refracting are usually used for seeing dull things. refracting 1608. Reflecting 1668
  • Giovanni Cassini

    Giovanni Cassini
    1625-1712 He is a French astronomer. He discovered a dark gap between Saturn's rings and also four of Saturn's rings. He discovered the shadow's from Jupiter's satellites. His discovery of the spot's on Jupiter's surface made it easier to measure Jupiter's rotational period.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    1643-1724 He was into the fields of physics, mathematics, astronomy and chemistry. He changed out the lenses on the telescope with mirrored ones also including a large concave mirror to show the primary image and it was a smaller, flat, reflecting lens to display an image to the eye. Now that he changed out the lens he can make a smaller telescope. His first smaller telescope was just six inches long and he donated it to England's Royal Society.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    1738-1822 He discovered the planet Uranus. He is the founder of sidereal (stars) astronomy. He is also a British astronomer. His father was an army musician. William played in the band of the Hanoverian Guards. After the French occupation of Hanover, he escaped to England, which then he first earned a living by copying other's music.
  • Percival Lowell

    Percival Lowell
    1855-1916 He predicted the existence of a planet beyond Neptune and it ended in the discovery of Pluto. He devoted himself to literature and travel. He also studied the canalis on Mars. He built the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona so he can study Mars. He also made an elaborate study on the orbit of Uranus.
  • Karl Jansky

    Karl Jansky
    1905-1950 He made the discovery of the Radio Waves. He discovered that the source of the radio came from the stars. He also concluded that the source lay came from the constellation Sagittarius. He also published all of his findings but did not pursue the development of Radio Astronomy.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    1889-1953 He served as a soldier in world war 1. He also took a position at an observatory where he could work with two of the largest telescopes. He also oversaw the construction of the 200 inch Hale Telescope. That telescope was the largest until Russian BTA-6 was built.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    1879-1955 He developed special, general theories of relativity. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He also immigrated to the U.S after being targeted by the Nazis. He also is generally one of the most influential physicist. His work had a great impact on developing the atomic energy.
  • Sputnik

    1957 The chief constructor of sputnik was Mikhail S. Khomyakov. Sputnik was a 23 inch diameter sphere. It weighed 184. It was launched in orbit by Russia on October 4, 1957. After 21 days they lost contact with it. It orbited Earth 1,440 times. On January 4,1958 it burned up while reentering Earth's Atmosphere.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    1961 First ever human to orbit Earth. The space craft that he was in launched at 9:07 am on April 12,1961. His spacecraft orbited Earth once every one hour and 29 minutes. His spacecraft gave him instant worldwide fame. He was awarded the Order of Lenin.
  • The Apollo Program

    The Apollo Program
    1963 The Apollo Program considered of 17 programs. The last Apollo mission was the Apollo 17 in 1972. The Apollo program was designed to get land people on the moon and bring them back to Earth as safe as possible.
  • Ejnar Hertzsprung

    Ejnar Hertzsprung
    1873-1967 He established the luminosity scale of the stars. He also is one of the inventors of the Hertzsprung Russel diagram. He showed that a relationship exists between the colors of the stars and also their true brightness. He also showed that dwarf and giant stars must exist. The HR diagram shows temperature, absolute magnitude and brightness of a star.
  • The First space shuttle flight

    The First space shuttle flight
    1981 Columbia was the first shuttle to space. Columbia held dozens of astronauts for the last few decades. Columbia did 28 missions. Columbia was in space for 300days. Columbia burned up on February 1, 2003.
  • Mars Pathfinder Expedition

    Mars Pathfinder Expedition
    1996 It launched December 4, 1996. It entered Mars atmosphere July 4, 1997. 87 minutes after landing it opened three solar panels. In the first month it returned 1.2 GB of data. On September 27, 1997 communication was lost for unknown reason.
  • Cassini orbiter

    Cassini orbiter
    1997 It launched on October 15, 1997. It flew by Venus on April 25,1998. It flew threw the asteroid belt starting December 1999. It got to Jupiter December 29, 2000. It orbited Saturn July 30, 2004. It plunged into Saturn September 15, 2017.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    1930-2012 He was the first to walk on the moon. After his degree he became a civilian research pilot. When they were heading back to Earth a rocket malfunction happened into an uncontrollable spin then Armstrong regained control of it and then it crashed into the Pacific Ocean.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    1921-2016 He was the first U.S citizen to orbit Earth. He was part of the first group that NASA selected. Before he joined NASA he became a Marine Pilot. He was part of the Mercury Seven. After he had left NASA he ran for U.S senate. He went on a second spacecraft life after 36 years from his last flight.
  • Total Solar Eclipse

    Total Solar Eclipse
    2017 The previous solar total solar eclipse was February 26, 1979 in the U.S. The most recent U.S total eclipse occurred August 21, 2017. The total eclipse could only be viewed from the following states Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kanas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinoi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina but only in a specific path in each of these states.