
By uihdasw
  • 623 BCE

    Birth of Siddhartha Gautama

    It is said that Siddhartha Gautama mum had a dream that a white elephant entered her womb and it was prophesied that her future son would become the world sovereign. And when he was born He walked 7 long strides and said "I was born for enlightenment and to benefit all that lives"
  • 620 BCE

    The great renunciation

    As a child, Siddartha Gautama was protected from the harsh reality of life and lived in luxury and wealth. When riding outside the palace and witnessing an old man, a sick man, a dead man and a wandering holy man. He decided to leave his life to seek spirutual salvation
  • 610 BCE


    After failing a very strict fasting and deprivation, Siddhartha seated himself underneath the bodhi tree "Tree of wisdom" and vowed not to move until he had gained enlightenment.
  • 610 BCE

    Battle for enlightenment

    As Siddhartha was under the tree Mara, god of the world sent his demon in hopes of prevented Siddhartha of enlightenment as this would weaken him and his kingdom. After resisting all the urges Siddartha entered deep meditation and realised the cause of human suffering and sorrow
  • 600 BCE

    First Sermon in Derk park

    Once obtaining his new found knowledge Buddha was hesitated to spread the truth but he was urged by the gods Indra and Brahma to spread. And so he took to deer park of Sarnath where he preached his first sermon.
  • 600 BCE

    Sermon in Derk park

    In the sermon, buddha explained his teaching in the form of the four noble truths. Spoke about the fact of suffering, identified desire as the cause of suffering and explained how suffering can be stoppped and that the way to escape suffering is to follow the "noble eightfold path" which showed eight ways in people should live
  • 580 BCE

    Death of buddha

    Buddha lived over his 80. His death occurred at Kusinagara (modern Kasia) after eating a meal prepared by a blacksmith. when he knew that his time was approaching he gathered his disciples to give a final speech.
    His final words were "Decay is inherent in all compounded things, work out your own salvation with diligence"