Born to Rope Book Project

By 73566
  • Ezra took Maximus, the horse, to chase and rope wild mustangs

    Ezra took Maximus, the horse, to chase and rope wild mustangs
  • Max got away

    Max got away
    The wild horse ran into max's reigns when he was tied to a tree and his bridle came off and he ran away, following the other horse
  • Max went back

    Max went back
    Max went back to their camp because he didn't know what to do. Ezra tried to catch him again but he turned and walked away a little bit. Then Ezra got out his pistol and tried to shoot him and max ran away and never came back.
  • Michael comes into the story

    Michael comes into the story
    Michael Diamond went to his mailbox to look which college sent him a letter. He got one from Utah state giving him a full scholarship for football. But his dad doesn't want him to go
  • Michael Shoplifts

    Michael Shoplifts
    Michael and his friends shoplift shirts from the mall. They get away from the cops in a truck. Michael falls out of the back of the truck in the middle of a field and his friends leave him behind.
  • Jesus Valdez finds him and takes him home

    Jesus Valdez finds him and takes him home
    Jesus, a mexican cowboy, found him and gave him a ride to his house. But the police were there so they kept going. Jesus took him to his own house in a junkyard where he trains horses to be roping horses to sell for rodeos.
  • Jesus teaches Michael to rope

    Jesus teaches Michael to rope
    Jesus made him swing a rope and he did it perfectly so he started teaching him to rope. And he also taught him how to run everything around his farm.
  • Michael meets Helen and Ernest

    Michael meets Helen and Ernest
    Ernest and Helen live at the Junkyard next to Jesus's place with his mom where they sell car parts and stuff. Ernest was burned when he was little in a house fire and so he looks really weird. Helen saves all her money for operations
  • Michael practices roping

    Michael practices roping
    Michael practiced roping everyday on dummies and real cows. Jesus played football with him though and he was really good at it. but eventually Michael liked roping more than football and roping actually made him better at football.
  • Max gets caught

    Max got caught by some people and when they found his race identification they gave him back to Ezra.
  • Michael finds out about Jesus

    When Jesus was first working in america his wife started living with another guy. So when Jesus got back and he found out he killed the man. So Jesus cannot co back to mexico or he will go to prison, but he can't become a citizen because he is wanted in mexico, so he can only rope at certain rodeos where they don't need his identification
  • Michael goes to his grandma's house

    A cop might have spotted michael when he was with a friend buying a horse from Jesus, so he went to his grandma's and talked to her about that and his grandpa who was a roper. Then he called Jesus and found out the policemen didn't actually recognize him.
  • Jesus buys Michael a heel hog

    Jesus buys Michael a heel hog
    When Jesus went to Colorado to buy horses he found a heel hog and bought it for Michael. Michael also became good friends with Ernest
  • Michael competes in his first roping competition.

    Michael competes in his first roping competition.
    Helen made Michael look different by dyeing his hair and putting in contacts to give him different colored eyes. Then he roped and he met people to be partners with. He mostly just roped with Jesus and they won saddles and $837 in cash.
  • Michael pays for his shoplifting

    Jesus took Michael to the store he shoplifted at and he payed the assistant manager double for what he stole. She was really nice to him. Then he went to the police office and they gave him 80 hours of community service at Spanish fork fair grounds. Then Michael went home and his dad was mad he had a saddle and he was mad because BYU and ASU both called but he wasn't there so they gave his scholarships to someone else but USU still wanted him.
  • Michael meets Max

    Michael meets Max
    When Michael was working at the fairgrounds for community service he met Maximus, Ezra's horse.
  • Michael wins max

    Michael wins max
    At a roping competition Michael goes against Ezra. Jesus bet him one of his horses for max that Michael could win him and Michael actually won and got max. He found out Ezra is Ernest's dad too.
  • Max is a great roping horse

    They trained max a little more and he is the perfect horse for roping. Then he won a lot of competitions with him.
  • Michael sells Max

    Michael met a guy named cooper at a big roping competition and they became friends. Cooper is a really good roper and he needed a good horse so he sold max to him.
  • Michael pays for Ernest's surgery

    Michael made a deal with one of his roping partners to give Ernest surgery for a good deal. And he also gave Helen some of the money from selling max.
  • Epilogue

    Ernest got the first surguries and Ezra started to change and he started to be a good dad to Ezra again. Michael decided to go to Utah state. Cooper went to the NFR rodeo and they went to watch him and he won a lot of money. Cooper said he would let Michael use Max for some rodeos. Jesus missed the first three days selling horses and when he was driving to go to the fourth day of the rodeo he lost control of his trick on the ice and rolled down the hill. When help arrived he was dead.