George Washington

  • Birth

    He was born
  • Washington

    Considered the "Father of the country", George Washington was a famous general, farmer, entrepreneur and the first president of the United States.
  • Chief commander

    Chief commander
    The continental congress appointed hum responsible for the war of independence of United States
  • Battle

    After leading he resigned his positions military, because they lost New York city and were defetead in Trenton, New Jersey
  • The first president

    He was the first president of the United States to try to create a nation capable of sustaining peace with its neighboring countries.
  • His death

    Washington diez primarily from traetment for his pheumonia, due to the loss of five pints of blood, as well as suffocation and dehydration.
    He said his last sentence that said: "First un war, first in peace and first in the hearts of this compatriots"