Benjamin Franklin by Brandon Marcucci

  • He was born

    He was born
    Ben was born in Boston in his fathers market.
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Franklin

  • School

    Ben went to the Latin school when he was 8. Only a year later Ben's father took Ben out of school because he new he would not be a good presit.
  • Apprentice

    Ben was a apprentice in his brothers print shop. He loved reading and writeing.
  • Brother has been jailed

    Brother has been jailed
    The leaders of Boston jailed James for the information he added to the newspaper. Ben took over the newspaper while James was in jail.
  • Arguments

    When James was released Ben and him both argued about what was printed in the paper.
  • Ran away

    Ran away
    Ben ran away from the fighting and traveled to Philadepha. Ben could not find a job very easily for the first week.
  • Job

    Ben later found a job Mr. Kelmer offered Ben a job. He also arranged for Ben to rent a room at the Read house.
  • Ben future wife

    Ben future wife
    Mr. Read had a dughter named Deborah. Ben and Deborah like each other.
  • Idea

    Ben bought a newspaper the Pennsylvaina Gazette. He loved to read weekly papers.
  • Marry

    Benjamin Franklin married Deborah Read
  • Almanck

    Ben quit Mr. Kelmer printing job in January. He started to create his own newspaper in Feburary called the Almanck. Ben became very famous for his newspaper and it came out every other day.
  • Retired

    Ben rtired from makeing newspaper in 1749, he began concentrating on science experments.
  • The truth

    Ben franklin proved that lightning was electricity with his son. A key was tied to the end of a kite.
  • The Declareation of Independece

    Benjamin Franklin siged the Declareation of Independece
  • Sick

    In 1779 Ben cought a sickness which left him very weak. His granduaghter took care of him. he did get better about five months later.
  • Rest of his life

    Rest of his life
    Benjamin Franklin became part of the USA goverment for about ten years. Then sadly he died on April 17 suronded by his friends and family.