Benjamin Button is Born (70)
Benjamin Button, a baby who is born to look about seventy years old, has the attitude and knowledge of a man who is three score and ten. During this time period it is unusual to have a baby in a hosiptal and Benjamin is aggravated by the conditions he is born in: "This is a fine place to keep a youngster of quiet tastes. With all this yelling and howling, I haven't been able to get a wink of sleep" (63). -
Benjamin is sent to Kindergarten (65)
Benjamin is sent to Kindergarten at age 5, even though he has the mind of a 65 year old man. The class would be pasting green paper to orange and making pasta necklaces yet, "he was inclined to drowse off to sleep in the middle of these tasks" (68). This worried the teacher, so she complained to his parents and they took him out of school because "he was too young" (68). -
Benjamin at 12 Years Old (58)
One day when Benjamin was looking in the mirror "hair turned...from white to irony-gray" (68) and that the "wrinkles on his face [became] less pronounced" (68). He was growing backwards. Started old and was only getting younger. -
Benjamin is denied by Yale (52)
Benjamin was sent "Up to Connecticut to take his examinations for entrance to Yale College. Benjamin passed his examination and became a member of the freshman class" (69) Although, when having a meeting with Mr. Hart, an administrator, he was denied because Mr. Hart thought it was some type of joke. So Benjamin was no longer a part of Yale College. -
Benjamin takes over Roger Button & Co. (50)
As a part of his twentieth birthday Benjamin decides to take over his father's business. His father was now fifty years old and since Benjamin ages backwards they "could have passed for brothers" (71). -
Benjamin asks Hildegarde to get Married (50)
With the engagement of Benjamin and Hildegarde only six months after they met, it was required to make it known. The news of such an event changed the town: "The excitement in Baltimore reached a feverish pitch" (73). -
Benjamin has he first son, Roscoe (46)
At the age of 24, Benjamin and Hildegarde give birth to their first son Roscoe. In 1898 he is "fourteen years old" (75). -
Benjamin decides to join the Army
With the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, Benjamin decides he wants to help with the war effort. We was very pleased by his job and enjoyed the life of someone who was young, wild and free: "Benjamin had become so attached to the activity and excitement of army life that he regretted to give it up" (76) -
Benjamin returns Home (30)
After returning home from the war, he insists that everybody says "I look younger than ever" (76). He aging backwards has not stopped and he doubts it ever will. -
Benjamin gets accepted to Harvard (20)
Benjamin Button, who was 50 years old applied to Harvard and got accepted, most people didnt know he was 50 because he look to be about 20 years old. He was very successful through his first year at Harvard, he was smart and excelled in ever aspect of his life, especially football. In a game against Yale "he played so brilliantly, with so much dash and with such a cold, remorseless anger that he scored seven touchdowns and fourteen field goals for Harvard" (78). -
Benjamin is enrolled in Kindergarten again (5)
For the second time around, Benjamin enters kindergarten and he actually looks like a five year old and has the knowledge of a five year old. He also "found that playing with little strips of colored paper, making mats and chains and curious and beautiful designs, was the most fascinating game in the world" (82). -
Benjamin Passes Away
After so many years of life, knowledge and the experience of growing backward, Benjamin passes away: "Then it was all dark, and his white crib and the dim faces that moved above him and the warm sweet aroma of milk, faded out altogether from his mind" (83)