The Birth of an Amirican Icon
Ben frankilin was the 15th of 17 children. He ws born in Boston Massachusitts. -
The Yong Life of Ben Franklin
Ben's father took him out of school because it started to cost to much money and he thaught that Ben should learn a trait. At the age of 10 he worked with his fater making soap and candles for about 2 years. When he was 12 he stoped working for his father and started to work for his older brother James in his print shop. -
Early Work Life
As a yong adoult Ben moved to Philadelpheya to work for John Read in a print shop. A few yares before he got the offer Ben joind a ship crew before he found out what he wanted to do. -
A Hard Trip
Willam Pen ( the govener of pa in1724 ) sent Ben to London to work for the king. The king needed him to help the scintist but when he got there the letters Willam sent to the King didnt get there before Ben. Stuck in London Ben had to find a job and he did as a printer. -
The Years after London
After Ben got back from London he maried John Reads daughter Debrah Read. Him and Debrah did stay in Philadalphya -
Starts news Paper
Some people dont know that Ben Franklin use to own the PA Gazett. He bought it of its owner in 1729. -
Helping out the Comunity
Everyone knows that he helped make the country what it is today but very few or not as meany people now that he made the first Fire dep, Police dep, and hospital. -
The Start of an Inventore
Ben Franklin was'nt only a righter or printer, he has done tons of scientific studies. His first big invention was the Franklin stove. It heated homes and you can cook meals on it. Ben also did things to make printing easier. Ben's shop was the first to start printing on pots and tile because theye use to brake under the pressuer. -
A new Franklin
Ben and his wife Debrah had already had an adopded son and a biological son but there biological son had died at 4. A few years later they had a duaghter named Sarah. -
Starting a University
Ben strted a school not knowing that it would be one of the largest colliges in Amirica. He made the school because he loved to lern and knew that nolige is power. -
Ben's Efects on Government
A wise older Ben Franklin was elected to reprresent PA because he was so wise and know what was best for his country. He also sighned the Decloration of Independince but deinide to right it because he usaly rights funny quotes and no one would take it seires if he did it. -
Another Trip to a new Country
Ben whent to Paris France to sighn a peac treaty for France and Amarica. When he was there Ben became very famouse, mainly for his scientific inventions and discoveries. -
The Death of an Amarican Icon
Ben died on April 17th 1790 at his daughter Sarah's home in a spare bedroom.