the cross and the switchblade

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    chapter 1

    David wilkerson is a preacher in a small town in pennsylvania while he was reading a life magazine he sees a headline witch says 7 boys are one trial for the murder of another person David believes that this has to be a sign from God but he has to test it out so he prays and asks God to get a person to come and buy his tv tomorrow at 6 o'clock then a eskaskly at 6 o'clock a his phone rings and the man on the phone asks if his selling a tv and says that he would buy it for 100 dollars
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    chapter 2

    David wilkerson goes to the church and talks to people that God gave him a sign that he had to go to new york to go and save and teach the teenagers that were on trial for murder and said he needed money to go there to David surprise the people were walking up and dropping money in a basket the next week David and his friend will got in a car and drove to new york when they got there they were confused scenes they lived in a small town and now they were having to try to make there way a the city