Bart's mother Marge is born
Marge was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. Marge had 5 other sisters and one brother all living under one roof. Over the years she has developed a history of hypertension. -
Bart Is Born!
Marge gives birth to a healthy boy with no apparent illnesses at the age of 17. This is her first of 4 children. Bart enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing football or basketball with them. He loves to be at school where he can interact with his friends and learn new things. -
Bart gets a Hernia
As a toddler, Bart gets a hernia and has to get it fixed immediately. This repair is done in the hospital, and not further health problems were identified in Bart for the next few years. -
Bart's new Dad
After about a year of marriage, Bart's parents decide to get a divorce. His dad leaves the home they were staying in and completely shuts his 2 kids out of his life. Marge soon finds interest and eventually love in a new man who Bart truely loves as well. The two go on to have 2 daughters together. -
The Death of Grandma
At the age of 7, Bart has to deal with the death of his grandma. She was the woman who would take care of Bart when Marge wasnt able to look after him. This was especially difficult for Marge to deal with as well. Bart's grandma had a history of asthma, diabetes, HTN, and cancer. -
Bowel Obstruction
In early May of 2013, Bart was admitted to the hospital with an extremely distended stomach, severe ongoing stomach pain and fever. A laparatomy exploratory found a small bowel obstruction leading to necrosis of some of the intestine. A small bowel resection was done and his abdomen was left open to reduce swelling and allow for healing. -
Back for More!
Because Bart's stomach was so swollen and still separated, doctors were not able to stretch his two abdominal walls together for adequate sutures. Instead, Bart was brought in for a temporary skin grapht, where they took tissue from his left thigh to connect the abdominal walls together. In addition, Bart was sent home with a jejunostomy. -
Kidney Involvement
Everything was going as planned for Bart at home until one day he started feeling very nauseous, dehydrated, and had little urine output. When he got to the hospital, labs showed high elevations in his kidney enzymes and he was eventually diagnosed with acute kidney failure and dehaydration. This disorder gave Bart and his family a good scare, but it eventually resolved. -
Back at it
Later in August Bart begins to feel some farmiliar pain in his stomach. Again, he is admitted to the emergency room with a distended belly and fever, and was soon diagnosed with another bowel obstruction. Once resolved, Bart was sent home with a PICC line and TPN. -
Additional Stress
Just a few days before Bart was scheduled to come back to the hospital for the closure of his colostomy he was informed that his aunt (Godmother) was diagnosed with throat cancer. Bart is very close with this aunt of his, and is very scared for what the future might hold for her. Worrying about this on top of his own health issues combines for a very stressful time in his life. -
Bart gets put back together
Becuase of increasing issues with his graft and other system functions, Bart came in the morning of Sep. 17th for a scheduled Jejunostomy takedown, complete abdominal closure, apendectomy with an exploratory laparotomy, enterolysis, and a small bowel anastomosis x 2. Bart is certain that this will be that last of his hospitalizations and looks forward to seeing his freinds and family again.