
  • He was born

    his parents did the sex and he popped out
    saved the diabetics from the death
  • Banting sees girl with diabetes

    It was the start of his curiosity towards diabetics
    He never forgot how everyone gave up on her
  • Goes to Victoria college

    He only went to please his parents and went with his cousin
    He went to be a pastor but really wanted to get into medicine
  • Applied with his friend Hipwell for medicine school

    didn't have alot of money for living in toronto
  • Joins army

  • graduates medical school

  • wounded in the war

    he still helped fellow wounded soldiers even through his injury
    he earned the military cross for heroism for it
  • Starts private practice in London

    Business wasn't very good
  • Starts research of cure for diabetes

    He has 8 weeks to figure out the cure
    given 10 dogs to test on
  • Asks for more time to research

    They were close to discovering the cure
  • Final test

    it was a success
    dog was showing great improvements and the cure had been discovered
  • Results of researched were released

  • Received The Reeve Prize

  • First insulin with no harmful side effects

    Leonard Thompson
    Lived an extra 13 years before dying in motorcycle accident
  • Banting received Nobel Prize in Medicine

    he got $20 000
  • Frederick Banting's Death

    Died in plane crash
    several days went by before the crash was found
    out of 4 people only Dr. Mackey survived.