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Augusto Pinochet

  • Birth

    Augusto Pinochet was born on November 25, 1915. He was born in Valparaíso, Chile. His parents were Augusto Pinochet Vera and Avelina Ugarte Martínez.
  • Graduation

    Pinochet graduated from the military academy in Santiago in 1936
  • Army Officer

    Army Officer
    A career army officer, he led the military coup overthrowing the Allende Government in 1973 establishing himself at th head of the ensuing military regime.
  • Period: to

    Head of Military

    Pinochet was the head of Chile's military Government (1974-1990).
  • Senator for Life

    Senator for Life
    After stepping down he became senator for life, a post granted to former presidents under the 1981 constitution
  • Period: to


    In 1980 he enacted a constitution giving himself an 8 year presidential term. (1981-1989)
  • Commander Pinochet

    Commander Pinochet
    As commander of the armed forces until 1998, Pinochet frequently thwarted human rights prosecutions against members of the security forces
  • Former President

    Former President
    Later in 2000 Pinochet was stripped of his immunity from prosecution which he had enjoyed as former president and was ordered to stand trial on charges of human rights abuses.
  • Charges Dropped

    Charges Dropped
    The charges were dropped in 2002, however, after Chile's Supreme Court upheld a ruling that he was mentally incapable of defending himself in court.
  • Returning home

    Returning home
    In January 2002 Pinochet was allowed to return home after a british court ruled that he wa unfit to stand trial