Atahualpa was born in c. 1502. Atahualpa was the younger son of ruler Huayna Capac he also was his father’s favorite. Atahualpa siblings are Huáscar, Manco Inca Yupanqui, Túpac Huallpa. -
Huayna Capac's Death
Atahualpa’s father Huayna Capac died in c. 1527. His father died from smallpox or malaria. His father's son and his brother Ninan Coyuchi also died. -
Dividing Land
When Atahualpa’s father died the kingdom was split. The kingdom of Huayna Capac was divided between Atahualpa and his brother Huáscar. Atahualpa got the northern part of Quito and Huáscar got Cuzco. -
Period: 1527 to 1532
Inca Civil War
This was the time period of the Inca Civil War. The war was between Huáscar an Atahualpa. The war was for control of the Inca Empire. -
Atahualpa's army defeated Huáscar and ended the Inca Civil War. Atahualpa captured Huáscar along with his family. Atahualpa then killed his brother. -
Nov 15, 1532
Spanish Get Involved
Francisco Pizarro came to Atahualpa in Cajamarca to try to change the Incas to Christianity. Atahualpa threw the bible to the ground which according to the law it let the Spanish have war on the Incas. -
Nov 16, 1532
Battle of Cajamarca
Because of that argument the Battle of Cajamarca stated. After Atahualpa thru the bible to the ground the Spanish ambushed Atahualpa’s people. All of his people were unarmed. -
Nov 16, 1532
After two hours four thousand Incan fighters were killed. The Spanish won the war. The Spanish captured Atahualpa and kept him in the Temple. -
Price To Pay
The Spanish kept Atahualpa in the temple for several months. The Spanish wanted control of Atahualpa’s kingdom. Atahualpa filled an entire room with gold and silver for his release but that didn’t work. -
Aug 29, 1533
Atahualpa was sentenced to death by the Spanish. He was supposed to be burned but he thought if he was burned his soul would not go to the afterlife. He switched to Christianity and then he wanted to be strangled to death.