Infancy Newborn (Trust vs. Mistrust)
It was on this day that Luke Schneider was born. At 8.6 onces he was a hefty angered by the bright light of the hosptial. He left the womb crying but was calmed and embraced by his mother. -
Age 1-3 Toddlerhood (Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt)
Luke sees his dad shake his rattle in front of him. Wanting to experience the sensation for himself, Luke breaks out of his kiddy-door and shakes the rattle himself. Luke no longer doubt's his abilities. -
Age 3-6 Preschool (Initiative vs Guilt)
During his pre-school years Luke makes firends with some of the boys in his class. He helps to plan childhood games on the playground. He enjoys this feeling of independence and does not feel guity about his attempts. -
Age 6-12 Elementary School (Industry vs. Inferiority)
Luke's preschool teacher creates a system where you revice a tootsie roll for every A on a spelling test. Luke soon learns to apply himself and score well on the tests teaching him the pleasures of working hard. Luke will use this work ethic to become President of Malaysia. -
Age 13-20's Adolescence (Identity vs Role confusion)
At age 15 Luke begins to realize his dream of promoting governmental refroms in Malaysia and the South Asian community. Luke begins to take interest in reading potlical science books and grasps a frim sense of identity. -
Age 13-20's (Identity vs Role Confusion)
Luke is accpted to to West Point Academy. He learns battle tactics and a Master's degree in Asian Studies. He is 1st in his class and graduates as a officer 1 year early. -
Age 20's - 40's Young Adulthood (Intimacy vs. Isolation)
At 25 Luke finds his soul mate. She supports his plans for potlitical conquests after he boosts the economic and military production of South Asia. Luke finds intimacy in his life and a sense of comfort and companionship. -
Age 20's - 40's Young Adulthood (Identity v Role Confusion)
In his early 40's, Luke is elected president of Malaysia and has rallied the country under the idea of unifiying Asian Countries into one larger union. -
Age 40-65 MIddle Adulthood (Generativity vs. Stagnation)
Luke steals the blueprints to Tony Stark's "Iron Man" Suit and uses it to create an army of robotic super soldiers. With these new soldiers he conquers all of East Asia and unifies them under the UAA (United Asian Affiliates) -
Age 40-65 Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs. Stagnation)
Under the monarchial rule of the UAA, Luke designates massive plots of avaible land in Asia to become rice farmland. Luke turns this massive farmland conversion into a corporation: The Universal Food Group. With so much land dedicated to crop growing. The UAA is able to end world hunger with such a excess of food. -
Age 40 to 65 years Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs. Stagnation)
At age 55 Luke has conquered all of the modern day Eastern World. His new UAA (United Asian Affiliates) Empire has ended world hunger by reforming much unused land in Asia to farmland. He has his child Jack Schneider who he plans to turn into his successor to the throne. He nutures his child and feels a sense of accomplishment for his life work. -
Age 40-65 Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs. Stagnation)
Luke's trains his son Jack into a potlical and economic genius. He gladly hands the reins of the UAA and Universal Food Group over and feels a sense of fulfillment from raising his son. He retires and spends the rest of his days on a private beach near Hawaii. -
Age 65- Death Late Adulthood Integrity vs. Despair
Luke starts writing his autobiogprahy depicting his accomplishments. Luke life has left him with a feeling of wisdom and acceptance and he wishes to log these feelings and experiances. -
Age 65-Death (Ego Integreity vs. Despair)
At age 95 Luke passes away. In the moments before his death Luke finishes his auto-biography. Luke writes of how he looks back on his life accomplishents of ending world hunger and great technological and scientifitc strides. His son has grown into a strong leader capable of leading the UAA into future glory. Luke feels a sense of wisdom at this stage.