American Revolution

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    This was a fight between the Americans and the British and it lasted a long time but the Americans eventually ran out of ammo and had to retreat.
  • Commander G-Dub

    Commander G-Dub
    This when G-Dub became the commander of the continental army. Because he was a very smart and good commander George Washington gave the Americans a chance.
  • Saratoga/ A Turning Point

    Saratoga/ A Turning Point
  • French signs Treaties for alliance with the U.S.A

    France was still bitter about losing the French and Indian War. When Americans won at Saratoga King Louis XVI realised the American independence.
  • Hardworking Youngster

    James Forten signed up to sail the Royal Louis. He did this because his family needed money
  • Kalb's Death

    Kalb's Death
    Baron De Kalb got 11 wounds. He later than died.Johann de Kalb - Wikipedia