Imgres 1

All Quiet on Western Front

  • Enrolling in the army

    Enrolling in the army
    Paul and his friends enroll into the army
  • Resting behind the fronts

    Resting behind the fronts
    He rests behind the Front with "the guys," eating a big meal because only 80 of 150 men survived the last assault and food portions are almost double (the cook had planned for 150). The men speak endlessly about the food, savoring every morsel.
  • Kemmerich in the hostpital

    Kemmerich in the hostpital
    Paul visits Kemmerich in the hospital. His leg was amputated, but Paul and the others can't bring themselves to tell him the pain in his foot is phantom.
  • Telling Kemmerich's mother about his condition

    Paul dreads having to tell Kemmerich's mother of his death. Paul is repulsed by what he sees in Kemmerich's condition.
  • Kemmerich's death

    Kemmerich's death
    Paul sadly watches Kemmerich die with hospital orderlies and doctors not really caring about enlisted men (not officers). The utilitarian Müller covets Kemmerich's boots – not out of greed but to help his chances for survival.
    Paul tries to comfort Kemmerich, but cannot. Kemmerich cries all the way into his death. Paul gives Müller the boots.
  • Meeting a wounded soldier

    Meeting a wounded soldier
    They return home and, en route, they are again bombed heavily. This is a gas raid; Paul dons his mask.
    Paul and the others take shelter in a graveyard, throw bodies out of coffins, and take their places to hide in them.
    They meet wounded soldiers along the way and help bandage where they can. One badly injured man should be euthanized, but they can not get to him in time – medics carry him away with Paul and Kat knowing that he will suffer much before he dies.
  • Three days in no mans land

    Three days in no mans land
    Paul details the gut-wrenching sounds of one of their company's men who is shot. He takes three days to die in "no man's land," where he can not be rescued by others as they would risk certain death.
  • Going back home

    The men walk to a nearby river and meet some French women. Paul is just a spectator in all of this.
    Paul is sent home on leave and finds his mother sick with cancer. She and he connect emotionally, but he is depressed at seeing her like this.
    Paul looks over the posters decorating his room from his youth – they feel a million miles away, as though they were built by a different person.
    Paul visits Kemmerich's mother – he swears her son died fast, even though he did not. Paul has no qualms sweari
  • Back at the line

    Back at the line
    The men are sent back to the line. Paul volunteers for a patrol mission to determine where the Front lines are now.
    He crawls along at night and is bombed heavily, feeling very close to death. He has crawled behind the enemy lines, perhaps by accident.
    A French soldier jumps into his foxhole and Paul stabs him. In his horror, Paul sits with the man, watching him die.
    At the end, Paul takes the man's wallet and sees he has a wife and a daughter. Moved and crushed, Paul promises to write to them,
  • Another battle

    In another battle, Albert and Paul are injured. They are sent to the hospital where Paul fights hard any need to be knocked out before the operation. He promises the surgeon that he will stop moving and the surgeon takes out shrapnel from Paul's leg with no anesthesia.
  • Recovery

    Paul heals and recovers. He's given a short leave, during which he sees his mother, now very feeble and dying.
  • Sent back to the front

    Sent back to the front
    Paul is sent back to the Front.
  • Gory death

    Gory death
    Paul details the gory deaths of Detering, Berger, Müller, and others.
  • On a mission

    It is summer of 1918. Paul and Kat are on a mission. Kat is shot in the shin; Paul carries him hurriedly for miles, only to discover that, when he reaches the triage area, Kat has been hit in the head along the way. As a result, that "splinter" has likely been kept from hitting Paul in the back (Paul was carrying Kat over his shoulder).
  • Paul's Death

    Paul dies in October, 1918. He is found looking calm. And as if he was relieved to die
  • End of war

    End of war
    When the war ended