Nov 23, 1221
Where borned Alfonso X?
He borned in Toledo and he was king of Castilla. He has been called "Emperor of Culture" for intensity of his works on history, science , music , poetry and architecture. -
Apr 17, 1227
Where he lived in his time as an infant?
Alfonso lived in Salamanca. He lived with faithful butler, García Fernández de Villamayor, because his parents were León, and the butler educated. And in this time, he becan written Cantigas. -
Feb 13, 1234
Marriages and childrens.
Alfonso married with Violante de Aragón, that with her had very children. -
Sep 8, 1235
What contribute Alfonso to the mediaval music?
In this year, Alfonso finished the Cantigas to Santa María. This are coleccion, about 427 songs of Virgen María. This songs were written in Galician-Portuguese. This songs were very important of a culture of Spain, because, with this, the people meeted other instruments such as Rabal. -
Aug 31, 1237
Marriages and children.
Alfonso married with Felipa de Ponthieu. -
Oct 10, 1240
When was recognizes as king os Castilla?
At the Cortes of Burgos was recognized as successor to his father. -
Jan 29, 1249
What did alfonso with only 9 years?
Fernando III ordened that Alfonso, went to Sevilla, because was a battle, of Christians against Muslims. -
Apr 4, 1284
When Alfonso X died ?
Alfonso X , died, with 63 years old. -
Now, There are groups that play this songs.
The flutist and director Eduardo Paniagua, rescues these old Cantigas of Alfonso X, written in Toledo, before his 19 years. This group are called Old Music. -
This songs are play now?
Yes. Somo of songs that Alfonso written of Cantigas of Santa Maria, are play in the churchs of some chorus.