albert einstein born
albert einstain born
hey did you know Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany.also he had one sister named maja and He also had a brother who was killed in a fire.His name was frank einstain. -
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albert einstein
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albert einstein
growing up albert einstein
the red list
while albert einsten was growing up he started to love science while he grew by thisntime albert einstein was 14 years old. -
going to the univercity
when albert was turned 17 he told his father he wanted to go to the univercity of zirch located in zirch germany. -
Albert and Mileva were married at Bern City Hall on January 6, 1903. She was just 28. Einstein was almost 25. -
turning into old einstein aka albert einstein old
after going to a univercity for 7 years albert einstein got out of collage at age 24 and he used his memory aka what he learned in school to invent stuff for example a refrigerator,a self adjusting camera, and a electromagnetic pump. Although his father wanted him to study electrical engineering Albert Einstein decided to study physics and mathematics. -
devorse re mary
a few years later miliva and and albert got devorced and then albert einstein was 35 and got married with his causin since back then it wasn't illegael to get married from someone from your family but then scientist found out that when you get married with your own family you can give brain damage or diseases to a kid if you get married with your own family. -
naming the children
when albert einstein had his 3 kids he was 24 when he had his first daughter. He then 2 boys and His two son's names were Hans Albert and Eduard and he had a daughter named Leiserl but she was either given up for adoption or died in infancy.and then came Hans when albert was about 37 because since he got divorced with mileva and got married w/ his cousin.and then at age 39 edward was born and after that albert didn't want anymore kids. -
happy 40th b-day albert
when albert turned 40 he was happy but his body started to fail aka his leggs got tiered fast. -
age 56 getting old
when albert einstein got old he started to fail in his whole body and had to stay still from now on and was scared he might die any instant and from now on he was sad. -
poor albert dies in pain at age 76
poor albert einstein died in pain beecause he had a close to being diesese that gave him extreame pain and killed him and thje people made him a good peacefull funaril.