Albert einstein jpg

Albert Einstein

  • Birth day

    Birth day
    He was born on Ulm, Germany in 1879.
  • He went to the institute.

    He went to the institute.
    It initiates his top studies in the Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich.
  • Swiss nationality

    Swiss nationality
    He acquires the Swiss nationality
  • He joins the civil servant.

    He joins the civil servant.
    He joins as civil servant the Federal Office of Patents Berne.
  • He get married

    He get married
    He marries with Mileva Maric, with which he will have two children.
  • His firt theory

    His firt theory
    In 1905 he published his theory of the special relativity.That theory approaches the fields of the movement browniano, the photoelectric effect and the special relativity.
  • Einstein as a teacher.

    Einstein as a teacher.
    He obtains his first square of titular teacher in the University of Zurich.
  • He is promoted as the director of an Institute.

    He is promoted as the director of an Institute.
    He is nominated the director of the Institute of Physics Kaiser Wilhelm in Berlin.
  • Theory of the relativity.

    Theory of the relativity.
    He publishes the general Theory of the relativity.
  • His second marriage.

    His second marriage.
    Divorced of Mileva, he marries with Elsa, his cousin.
  • He meet Leo Sziliard.

    He meet Leo Sziliard.
    He meet Leo Szilard, who will develop inventions such as a refrigerator and an electromagnetic pump without moving parts.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    He has received the Nobel Prize in physics.
  • He leaves Germany

    He leaves Germany
    He leaves Germany and he lives exiled in France, Belgium, United Kingdom and The United States, country the where it is received keenly. There he will be a professor of theoretical physics in the Institute of Princeton's Top Studies
  • Letter to Roosevelt

    Letter to Roosevelt
    He write a letter to Roosevelt in the one that he requests him to undertake a program of investigation on the atomic bomb.
  • American nationality.

    American nationality.
    He adopts the American nationality.
  • He moves back from the teaching.

    He moves back from the teaching.
    He moves back from the teaching to be able to develop with exclusivity his theoretical investigations.
  • He dies in Princeton (USA).

    He dies in Princeton (USA).
    He dies the April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, United States.