Albert Einstein

By david o
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein Ulm, German Empire, March 14, 1879-Princeton, United States, April 18, 1955) was a German physicist of Jewish origin, nationalized after Swiss, Austrian and American. He is considered the best-known and most popular scientist of the 20th century.1 2 In 1905, when he was a young unknown physicist, employed in the Patent Office of Berne, he published his theory of special relativity. In it incorporate
  • Winners nobels

    Winners nobels
    won the first prize of physics in 1901
  • where I study Albert einstein

    where I study Albert einstein
    study at the Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich
  • What did you discover or invent

    What did you discover or invent
    1º.The Brownian movement:
    This discovery made in 1905 explained the thermal movement of the individual atoms that form a fluid.
    2º.The photoelectric effect:
    This discovery made in 1905, consists of the appearance of an electric current in certain materials when they are illuminated by radiation
  • What study

    What study
    Physical study and philosophy
  • Albert's women and their children

     Albert's women and their children
    He had 5 women and 2 children but he was not a very good father or husband, he abandoned his first wife and did not care much for his children
  • nacinalidades of Albert einstein

    nacinalidades of Albert einstein
    When he was born he was German later in 1901 he was Swedish and 1939 he was American
  • In what year was born and died

    In what year was born and died
    Born in 1887 and died in 1955 in Nueva Jersey
  • How long he lived

    How long he lived
    He lived 76 years died after the Second World War