Where Albert Born?
He was Born in Ulm,Germay -
He starts his studies in a Federal High school of technology in Zurich -
He aquires the Swiss Nacionality -
First Job
He enter as an official in the general office of patients -
First official Job
He gets his first position as a teacher at the university of zurich -
He is choosen the principal of the Kaiser physics insitute in Wilhelm, Berlin -
Theory of Relativy
He publishes the theoryof relativy -
1st Divorcie
He divorcies and he marries with his cousin Elsa -
next to Leo develops inventions like a refrigerator and an electromagnetic bomb -
He recives the Nobel prize in physics -
Where he lives?
He leaver Germany and he goes to France, Belgium, United Kingdom and USA -
Atomic Bomb
He send a letter to roosevelt requesting to undertake a research program on the atomic bomb -
He change his nacionality to an American person -
1st Retire
He retires to be able to develop exclusively his theoretical investigations -
His last day
He die in princenton