
Albert Einstein

  • Albert was Born

    Albert was Born
    Albert Einstein was born in the Kingdom of Württemberg in Germany.
  • Albert's First Words

    Albert's First Words
    Albert was well behind schedule when it came to his first words. He did not udder his first words until after his third birthday.
  • The Beginning of His Curiosity

    The Beginning of His Curiosity
    One day, at the age of five, when Albert lay sick in bed, his father brought him a compass. Albert grew to be fascinated by the fact that no matter which way he turned, the compass always points north. It was at this point he realized that the world was filled with mysteries and he wanted to understand those mysteries.
  • Albert's Poor Grades

    Albert's Poor Grades
    While it is true that he was not receiving the top grades at the school he transferred to in 1887, he did not relieve poor grades. That is simply a myth. He excelled in science and math. He did admit though, that he skipped classes and had to cram for exams. It was at this time that he developed his scrutiny toward the educational system. He has said "it is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry."
  • Albert's Love for the Violin

    Albert's Love for the Violin
    Mozart's music had Albert hooked onto the violin by age 13. Albert has said that when he would have a tough time figuring out a tricky problem, he would put it aside and play the violin. He said it made him happier and helped him think.
  • Albert Rides a Beam of Light

    Albert Rides a Beam of Light
    At age 16, Albert ran away from his school in Germany to a Swiss school because his old school didn't encourage imagination. While at his new school, he imagined riding on a beam of light. This creative and imaginative thought started him on the process to coming up with one of the most, if not the most, accepted theories to this day: the General Theory of Relativity.
  • Albert Publishes Quantum Theory Article

    Albert Publishes Quantum Theory Article
    In this article, Albert explains the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect. This article went on to win the Nobel Prize.
  • Albert Publishes Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies Article

    Albert Publishes Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies Article
    1905 was a busy and creative year for Albert, as he published many knows papers in this year. One of those included a paper that challenged Isaac Newton's concept of absolute time and space and James Maxwell's idea that the speed of light is constant. This paper introduced Albert's special theory of relativity.
  • Albert Publishes his Famous Equation

    Albert Publishes his Famous Equation
    1905 was the year Albert his ideas concerning the fundamental relationship between mass and energy. In this paper, the famous equation of E=mc^2 was expressed.
  • Albert Publishes his Theory of General Relativity

    Albert Publishes his Theory of General Relativity
    After years of creative thinking, studying, and learning, Albert finally published his Theory of General Relativity that he had begin to think up so long ago.