
George Washington Biography, Rocino

By 33955
  • Birth, 2/22/1732

    Birth, 2/22/1732
    George was born in Virginia in 1732. He was lucky to be born into a wealthy family unlike most people. George's family owned many slaves.
  • They people wanted him to be leader, May, 1775

    They people wanted him to be leader, May, 1775
    Washington had tons of experience with being in the military. He was voted to be the head of the US Continental army.
  • Victory, 1781

    With the help of the French forces, Americans finally beat the British. It was a good feeling and Washington led the army to victory.
  • Victory was finalized, 1783

    Once the victory was finalized, George was promoted to Commander in Chief. He wanted people to start using the new democrat system and American constitution.
  • Elected for president, April 1789

    Elected for president, April 1789
    Washington became president and made sure America had no conflicts. If there were any conflicts George solved them very quickly. He was our very first president.
  • Stopped being president, March 1797

    Stopped being president, March 1797
    All good things come to an end sadly. George stopped being president. I'm not sure why he stopped, maybe because of his age.
  • Washington's death, December 14, 1799

    Washington passed in December. We will all forever remember his great soul.