Zen and The Art of Faking It By:Adam Jaudon

By atj013
  • Expostion-Backround

    San Lee is swithching schools (again) and expects the usual.
  • Expostion- Characters

    San Lee is the main character who is perparing for school
  • Expostion-Setting

    Its the middle of winter in Pennsylvania at Harrison Middle School
  • Rising Action #1- Conflict

    San is in his new school and doesnt know "who he should be".
    He has had a differnet personality at each school he been at so he is looking fior a new good one.
  • Rising Action #2

    San falls in love with "Beatle Girl" and admires her style. San tries to have an original personality like her.
  • Rising Acton #4

    San decides that he will start by being shy and work out a personality from there.
  • Rising Action #3

    San meets "Beatle Girl" and finds that her name is Woody. After talking with her he finds that they have many things in common.
  • Rising Acton #5

    After a history lesson on Zen Buddhisim, San decides that he will be a Buddhist (for his personality). He researches at the libray on the subject. The next day everybody believes that he is a Zen Buddhist.
  • Rising Action #6

    New Best friends San and Woody work at the soup kitchen together and have a great time.
  • Climax

    While working at the soup kitchen, San's secret of not being an authentic Zen follower is revealed to Woody. I breaks her heart and she is very mad at San and is convinced that hes a liarand that he doesnt even like her.
  • Falling Action #1

    San decides to write a letter to his father who is in jail.
  • Falling Action #2

    Peter beats up San because he broke Woody's heart.
  • Falling Action #3

    San and Woody seperate themselves from each other for the rest of the year and San becomes the Loser of the grade.
  • Falling Action #4

    San graduates from the 8th grade and is ready for the summer.
  • Resolution #1

    During the summer, San is working at the soup kitchen and all of the sudden Woody shows up and they talk.
  • Resolution #2

    San promises that he has changed and is sorry and Woody (Emily) forgives him.
  • Resolution #3

    San is preparing for high school and he knows that he has a friend to help him through it.