210 Timeline

  • Kevin Mitnick Was Born

    Kevin Mitnick Was Born
    Mitnick was rasied in Van Nuys, Caliornia
  • Mitnick's Early Hacking

    When Kevin was only 12 he created a way to allow him to get on all public busses by finding old bus cards in the dumpster. Kevin started his form of Socical Engineering there.
  • Hacking into DEC

    Hacking into DEC
    Kevin was able to hack into Digital Equipment Corporations at the age of 16. After hacking into the computer software he then copied all of the computer software.
  • Jail Time

    Jail Time
    After multiple years of hacking and hiding Kevin was finally found and charged for his hacking as a teenager and was sentenced to 12 months in prison.
  • Violating his Probation

    Shortly after Mitnick was released he quickly broke his probation by hacking into Pacific Bell. He then had a warrant out for his arrest, so ended up living on the run for almost two and a half years.
  • Hacking of Tsutomu Shimomura's Computer System

    Hacking of Tsutomu Shimomura's Computer System
    In 1994, Kevin Mitnick broke into Tsutomu Shimomura's home in San Diego, Caliornia and stole phone tools from his home.
  • FBI Arrested Kevin

    FBI Arrested Kevin
    After Mitnick envaded Tsutomu Shimomura's home and stole from him, the FBI began to try and find Mr. Mitnick. Eventually Kevin was found in February of 1995. Mitnick was convicted for hacking into one of the most secure computer systems.

    After being caught, Mitnick was charged with a total of three counts, two of them being computer fraud. Kevin was sentenced a total 66 months to prison.
  • Free Man

    Free Man
    After serving his five years in prison, Kevin was released with the one stipulation that he couldn't use any form of technology other than his landline.
  • First Book

    In 2001, Kevin wrote his first book with William L. Simon "The Art of Deception".
  • Second Book Appearance

    Again in 2002, Mitnick wrote for another book with Joe Grand and Ryan Russell this one was called " Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty"
  • First Book Written Alone

    In 2005, Kevin Mitnick wrote his third book, however this happend to be his first solo novel which was titled "The Art of Intrusion". This book taught hackers how to use once successful techniques that Kevin used himself, but also gave the readers the formula to defend agaisnt them as well. Therefore, making these hacking tricks practically unusable.
  • Fourth Book

    Fourth Book
    Then in 2011 Kevin wrote his second book with William L. Simon, called "Ghost In The Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker". Although this was Kevin's fourth book, this was his first autobiography.
  • His Final Book as of Today

    His Final Book as of Today
    His most recent work is " The Art of Invisibility", he debuted this book in 2017. This novel is to be able too learn how to defend yourself and how to stay invisible online. With how technology driven our world has been lately, it's definitely a book that would be a smart read to learn more about their cyber security.
  • Today

    Now Kevin Mitnick is a paid consultant for some of the most powerful companies in Fortune 500 and the FBI. He also does public speaking and has written a couple books.