2017 Scott Poole Dalat US History

  • 1324

    13.3- Mali- Mans Musa

    Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler of Mali. Also he was super rich. He was a muslim. He was so rich that he caused inflation wherever he went. He was also realy into education and he built mosques and schools. His son was total weak sauce, and caused the downfall of the empire to raiders/ nomads.
  • Period: to

    Malaysia- The tribe of Sandwichittes rules the Island of Penang

    For a number of years during a period soon after the fall of the British Empire, a small tribe of sandwich lovers ruled the island of Penang with an iron fist.
  • USA- your teacher ate a sandwich

    The world rejoices at the triumphant consumption of a peanut butter & jelly sandwich by your teacher. This is a proud moment for Americans and Malaysians alike.
  • Malaysia- Mr. Yost moves to Malaysia

  • Modern Day- Malaysia- Sandwich drought

    After the downfall of the Sandwichittes, people began to despise all sandwich lovers, because of the iron fists that they ruled with. We can see the impact today, because the sandwich industry in Penang is underdeveloped and it can be difficult/expensive to find a good sandwich today.