Winston Marries Katherine
Winston marries Katherin though he later revealed in his diary that he did not love her at the time. This is probably why the marriage only lasts two years to due a lack of children. But the marriage was never ended officialy. -
Winston Meets a Prositute
Winston is writing in his diary about the time he met a prostitute and the betrayal he felt while doing the do toward his wife and the government. He writes that it was against his morals but he did it anyaways. -
Winston's Journal
We see Winston writing in a journal, which is strictly forbidden by the government. We find out that he has found a blind spot to the giant telescreen in his room. This is where he writes "down with big brother" in all caps while he is a bit tipsy. He then relizes that he is gonna be killed by big brother -
2 Minute Hate
The weekly two-minute hate happens at Winston's work, this is where the employees gather around the main telescreen and they are able to let loose all of their hate on whatever shows up on it. This time it is Emmanuel Goldstein, the proclaimed enemy of the people since he had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities while in a position of high power. Winston notices O'Brien not participating and believes he is on his side. -
Winston's Dream
After going home from a long day at work he writes in his diary, hides it and then goes to bed. While he is sleeping he dreams of Julia, a girl from his work that is part of the anti-sex movement and him doing rather intimate things. His fears of being killed only grow because of this dream. -
Winston's Lunch
Winston has lunch with Mrs. Parsons at work and he drifts off in thought and he thinks he is going to be reported for face crime, a crime in which on is suspicious for having their own thoughts and emotions. -
Winston Meets Mr.Charrington
As Winston is walking home from work he stops outside an old shop and goes in. He meets Charrington the owner of the shop. He asks where did he get all of the antiques from and he replies with he collected through the years. Winston asks him what it was like before Big Brother took over. Charrington avoids the question. -
Julia's Note
While walking down the hall he sees Julia falls he goes to help her up when she slips him a note. He later opens it to see "I love you" written on it. This means that Julia is also against the government. -
Julia and Winston Meet Up #1
After a long time of failed attempts to meet in fear of being caught Winston and Julia finally meet up. Winston discovers that she does as well hate the government and just joined the anti-sex to provide more cover for her. The meet up then gets steaamy. -
Winston and Julia Meetup #2
Once again they meet up for a second time out in the golden country and once again things get steamy. Afterward, Winston talks about how he thinks O'Brien is part of the brotherhood, an rebel organization. -
Winston Buys the Room Above Mr. Charrington's Shop
To conduct his and Julia's love affair he buys the room above Mr.Charrington's shop. He believes that he can trust him since he was alive before big brother took over and kept on to the old souvenirs. Making it seem that he is not to fond of big brother -
Winston Meets O'Brien About the Brotherhood
Winston goes to talk with O'Brien about his suspicions with him being in the brotherhood. O'Brien confirms these suspicions to be true and gives him a book on the beliefs of the organization. Winston tells him about Julias and his affair. -
Winston and Julia Get Captured by the Thought Police
While meeting up in their apartment above Mr. Charrington's shop the thought police break down the door to the apartment and arrest them both. It turns out Mr. Charrington had ratted them out -
Julia and Winston Get Transported to the Ministry of Love
After being caught by the thought police they are put in a van and transported separately tho the ministry of love, a place described as, "the really frightening one, it had no windows whatsoever" (pg.#) -
Winston Gets Interrogated by O'Brien
After being secluded and tortured we see Winston being interrogated by O'Brien who has been revealed to be a party member of big brother. Mr. Charrington is also revealed to be a member of the thought police. Both were part of Winstons and Julias arrest. -
Period: to
Winston Inside the Ministry of Love
Winston is in the Ministry of Love (MoL) for quite some time being tortured and interrogated by O'Brien. He stays in there with his mental state rapidly declining until he goes to room 101. -
Winston is Transported to Room 101
After more torture, Winston is transported to room 101 where he is confronted by his biggest fear, rats. They are held up in a cage in front of his face and they are threating to open the barrier in front, the only thing between his face and the rats. But they give him the choice to do it to Julia instead and after awhile he does indeed give the punishment to Julia showing that his love and rebelling tendencies are gone. -
Winston and Julia Run Into Each Other Outside the Ministry of LOve
After they are released from the ministry of love they part ways and are never seen to be interacting with each other until they run into each other in the park. They talk and it is confirmed that neither has feelings for the other anymore. The Ministry of LOve has done its job. -
Winston Says he Love Big Brother
At the end of the book, the last line says that "He had finally won victory over himself. He loved Big Brother." This is major since at the beginning of the book he is bent on destroying Big Brother absolutely hating it and wanting to demolish it to absolutley adoring it in all its "glory." -
Inference Paragraph
I think that the author structured the timeline of events this way because he wanted to develop his charters relationships so when it got torn down it would be more dramatic and heart wrenching.