Diminishing Progress 1620-1710

  • Period: to

    The Life of Anthony Johnson and his Family

  • Anthony Johnson comes to VA

    Anthony Johnson arrives in VA in 1621. To get here he had a long journey. He was caught during the piracy of a Portuguese slave trading ship, "Bautista," and was traded from one trader to another trader until finally he was placed aboard the "James", bound for England, with other survivors of the "San Antonio" wreck. When they arrived they were taken to the Earl of Warwick's manor in Leighs Priory in Feldstead, Essex. There they were considered stolen contraband. While there they...
  • Anthony Johnson comes to VA cont. 1

    converted from Catholicism to become a Protestant and adopt English spelling of his name Anthony, as did his future wife from Maria to Mary. Lord Rich who particpated in the Piracy of the "Bautista" did not want them to stay in England so he put them on the "James" again and sent them Bennett's Welcome, a plantation in VA, owned by his Puritan friend, Edward Bennett. When he arrived in Jamestown he was purchased by Richard Bennett. While he was owned by Richard Bennett he worked on his...
  • Anthony Johnson comes to VA cont. 2

    tobacco plantation along the James River.
    While he lived in VA for sometimes he was simply listed as Antonio the Slave. This title wasn't what he should have been called, he was somewhat of an indentured servant. During the 1600's the subject of slavery was very cloudy. The word slave could easily be applied to anyone working without pay for someone. You could easily be called a slave if you were an indentured servant. Also, if you were a "slave" that status was not determined...
  • Anthony Johnson comes to VA cont. 3

    by race (at first). According to a Christian custom if you were a baptized Christian you could not be a slave for life, but only a indentured servant (until Act III). Also, many plantation owners allowed their "slaves" to care for their own cattle or small plot of land so that they could one day buy their own freedom (this was an old Roman custom.) So Antonio eventually earned his freedom through this custom.
    The bottom line is it is not REALLY...
    The month and day are uncertain
  • Anthony Johnson comes to VA cont. 4

    diminishing progress. The Earl of Warwick called the "stolen contraband" which is like a sneak peek of what is coming in 1705 with Act XXII. He referred to them as property. This event is not REALLY DIMINISHING PROGRESS!! (or at least in my opinion)
    The month and day are uncertain
  • Act X is Passed

    Act X is passed in Jan. 1639/40. Act X says that everyone must own a gun, but Africans are NOT ALLOWED to own a gun. During this time there were lots of little skirmishes going on between the English and the Native Americans. Anthony was one of five survivors after the Powhatan tribes in VA attacked and massacred the 57 people at Bennett Plantation. How do you think Anthony survived? There are multiple ways he could have, but it was most likely he used a gun. Guns were essential to life...
  • Act X is Passed cont. 1

    during the early 1600's. This law is the first in a slew of laws that are going to diminish the Africans lives to practically nothing. A person once said, "If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he'll jump out, if you put him in a pot of water and slowly turn the heat up he won't realize what's happening until it's to late" Act X was passed in Jan. 1639/40, the date is uncertain
  • Anthony Johnson returns to Court over John Ceasar

    In 1654 Anthony Johnson went to court over an indentured servant who had served his contract and he lost. Later in the year he returned to court and WON!

    This was a very significant event because this was after the first diminishing rights law, but right before a boom in diminshing progress activity. If he waited a couple more years there would have been no way he could have won. "the court seriously considering and maturely...
  • Anthony Johnson returns to Court over John Ceasar cont. 1

    weighing the principles" this shows they actually considered this case. If you look at the Dred Scott case the supreme court would'nt even consider the case becuse he wasn't a "citzen." Now way back in 1654 for an African was able to go to court and WIN!!! Within almost 50 years he would not even be considered a human being let alone win a court case.

    This is not the actual date all historians know is that it happened later in the year in 1654
  • Anthony Johnson and his family move to Maryland

    The Johnson's were starting to pick up on this little scheme, so in 1664 they started selling their land and the following spring they moved to Maryland and started farming and raising cattle.
    The scheme of diminishing the Africans rights to almost nothing was about to move in to high gear. The Johnson's were starting to pick up on something. They realized that their rights were getting fewer and fewer and that there was no use living in a colony that took away their rights. ...
  • Anthony Johnson andhis family move to Maryland cont.1

    Richard Johnson stayed in VA. Years later a jury of white men declared that because Anthony was an African, he was an alien and that the 50 acres he had deeded Richard should be given to a white farmer. Twenty years ago, Anthony Johnson lived in a society where he could own land and was recognized for that and now his land he had deeded to his son was being taken away because of race. The Johnsons started selling their land in 1664 and moved to Maryland in the spring of 1664/65
  • Act XXII is passed

    This act states that all Negro, Mulatto, and Indian slaves are property.
    "The dehuminizing is complete" They are no longer even being considered a human being any more. They couldn't do anything and now to some people all the were was livestock. This is the final act in this scheme. It took a civil war and a lot of death and dispair to solve this problem.
    This happened in Oct. 1705