World Timeline

  • 570

    Muhammad Is Born

    Muhammad Is Born
    The prophet of Islam is born. He is a very holy man in the history of Islam. He also has a revelation, which is an important event in Islamic history.
  • Sep 4, 610

    Muhammad has a revelation

    Muhammad has a revelation
    Muhammad has a vision calling him to be Allah's prophet.
  • Mar 26, 714

    Charles Martel Becomes Mayor of the Palace

    Charles Martel Becomes Mayor of the Palace
    Charles Martel becomes ruler. He will eventually defend his empire from Muslims at Tours, France.
  • May 16, 747

    Arabs and Muslims Combine Forces

    Arabs and Muslims Combine Forces
    Arabs and Muslims from Iraq and Persia join forces. Eventually they will overwhelm and overthrow the Umayyads.
  • Jan 4, 1073

    Pope Condems Lay Investiture

    Pope Condems Lay Investiture
    The Pope hopes to free the church of secular bonds by not allowing the use of lay investiture. Emperors refuse to halt the use of lay investiture even though the Pope halts it.
  • Aug 9, 1150

    Universities Develop

    Universities Develop
    At universities teachers would teach scholars many subjects. Eventually universities would spread throughout Europe.
  • Mar 26, 1412

    Joan of Arc Is Bprn

    Joan of Arc Is Bprn
    Joan of Arc is a woman who will help France to win the 100 Years War against England.
  • Dec 31, 1455

    War of Roses Begins in England

    War of Roses Begins in England
    The War of Roses was a fight between the nobility over the throne. It was between the houses of York and Lancaster.
  • Planes Crash Into Twin Towers

    Planes Crash Into Twin Towers
    Muslim terrorists crash planes into the Twin Towers in New York.
  • Benedict Founds Monte Cassino

    Benedict Founds Monte Cassino
    Monte Cassino is a monastary in Italy. It becoms a model for monks in communities.