
Seerah: The Life and Journey of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Brief

By aneesa
  • 400

    The Quraysh Settle in Makkah

    The Quraysh Settle in Makkah
    Five times great-grandfather of Muhammad (saw), Qusayy, travels to Syria and brings goddesses al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat into the Hijaz and in the Ka'bah.
    Quraysh assume control of Makkah.
  • Period: 400 to 550

    The Quraysh settle and prosper in Makkah.

    Both Makkah and the Quraysh prosper, with the tribe quickly becoming the most powerful, and the city becoming the capital of Arabia.
  • 500

    Hisham's leadership of the Quraysh

    Hisham's leadership of the Quraysh
    The great-grandfather of Muhammad, Hashim, inherits leadership of Quraysh through Qusayy's line. He standardises trade to Yemen and Shaam. Makkah prospers and becomes the capital of Arabia. Hashim passes away in Gaza; Shayba is born. EIGHT YEARS LATER... Muttalib brings Shayba (aka "Abdul Muttalib) to Makkah.
  • 570

    Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW (note: approx. date)

    Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW (note: approx. date)
    Muhammad is born to mother Aminah, under the care of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Muhammad (saw) goes into the care of wet nurse Haleemah Sa'diyah.
  • Period: 570 to Dec 2, 622

    The Makkan Timeline

    From the birth of Muhammad (saw) around 570 or 571 C.E to his Hijrah in 622 C.E.
  • 571

    Muhammad's Wet Nurse's House Is Blessed

    Muhammad's Wet Nurse's House Is Blessed
    In the own words of Haleemah:
    "When I lifted him in my arms and returned to my place I put him on my breast and to my great surprise, my breasts started overflowing with milk. He drank to his heart's content and so too did his foster brother, and then both of them went to sleep even though my baby had not been able to sleep the night before... My husband said, "By Allah, Halimah, you must understand that you have procured a blessed child." "
  • 575

    At 4 years old, Muhammad SAW's chest is opened.

    At 4 years old, Muhammad SAW's chest is opened.
    His heart is cleansed through angels by Allah SWT. Frightened, and knowing it was time, Haleemah returned Muhammad to his family.
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    At 6 yrs old, Muhammad's mother passes away.

    At 6 yrs old, Muhammad's mother passes away.
    Muhammad accompanies his mother and grandfather to Yathrib. On the way home, his mother Amina falls ill and passes away. She is buried in Abwa.
  • Dec 2, 605

    The Dispute Over the Black Stone

    The Dispute Over the Black Stone
    The clans of the Quraysh rebuild the Ka'bah after a devastating flood. They dispute over who should have the honour of replacing the Black Stone. At 35 years old, Muhammad (saw) solves the dispute in a just manner.
  • Aug 10, 610

    YEAR 1 OF PROPHETHOOD: The First Revelation

    YEAR 1 OF PROPHETHOOD: The First Revelation
    After a period of solitude in the Cave of Hira, the Angel Gabriel comes down to Muhammad and reveals the first three ayaat of Surah Alaq Terrified, Muhammad (saw) seeks comfort with Khadijah. She takes him to her cousin, a wise man name Waraqa bin Nawfil who tells him what is happening and what is to come.
  • Oct 2, 610

    Second Revelation

    Second Revelation
    After a brief hiatus, Allah (swt) sends down the second revelation - Surah Muddathir 1-7.
  • Dec 2, 611

    YEAR 2 OF PROPHETHOOD: Private Propogation

    YEAR 2 OF PROPHETHOOD: Private Propogation
    The Prophet (saw) continues his call to Islam in private. Khadijah (ra) was the first Muslim, followed by his adopted son Zaid bin Haritha, Ali bin Abi Talib, and Abu Bakr (ram).
  • Dec 2, 612

    3 B.H: Prophet makes public call to Islam

    3 B.H: Prophet makes public call to Islam
    Note: B.H = Before Hijrah. Muhammad (saw) stands on Mount Safah and calls to Makkah, warning them and inviting them all to Islam and monotheism.
  • Dec 2, 613

    4 B.H: Muslims are persecuted

    4 B.H: Muslims are persecuted
    The Prophet (saw) establishes Dar al-Arqam as secret meeting place for new Muslims. Torture and persecution of Muslims, including the martyrdom of Sumayyah (ra). The Quraysh attempt to sway Abu Talib, but he continues to protect the Prophet.
  • Dec 2, 614

    5 B.H: First migration

    5 B.H: First migration
    Twelve men and four women migrate to Abyssinia under the instruction of the Prophet (saw) to escape persecution. They live in security under the King Negus.
  • Dec 2, 615

    6 B.H: Conversions of Hamza (ra) and Umar (ra)

    6 B.H: Conversions of Hamza (ra) and Umar (ra)
    The conversions to Islam of the two very powerful Makkan men strengthen the persecuted Muslims.
  • Dec 2, 616

    7B.H: Muslim Community is Boycotted

    7B.H: Muslim Community is Boycotted
    The Quraysh boycott Banu Hashim and Banu Abdul-Muttalib, who are forced to live in Shi'b Abu Talib,
  • Mar 2, 620

    11 B.H Isra Wal Mi'raj

    11 B.H Isra Wal Mi'raj
    On the 27 day in the month of Rajab, the Prophet (saw) visited Masjid al Aqsa and then ascends to heaven in a night journey. The five salaat are established upon the Muslims.
  • Sep 2, 620

    11 B.H: Notables begin accepting Islam

    11 B.H: Notables begin accepting Islam
    Six Hajj pilgrims from Madinah accept Islam and begin da'wah on their return.
    Many notables accept Islam on Hajj to Makkah.
  • Dec 2, 620

    11 B.H: Men from the Khazraj tribe are given da'wah

    11 B.H: Men from the Khazraj tribe are given da'wah
    At 'Aqabah, the Prophet (saw) comes across six men of the Khazraj tribe, from Yathrib. He relays to them the call of Islam and monotheism, and they accept Islam. They go back to Yahtrib to spread the message of Islam.
  • May 2, 621

    12 B.H: First Pledge of 'Aqabah

    12 B.H: First Pledge of 'Aqabah
    12 Hajjis from Madinah accept Islam and pledge allegiance to the Prophet (saw). He sends Mus'ab ibn Umayr (ra) with them to Medinah for further da'wah and guidance.
  • Aug 2, 622

    13 B.H: 2nd Pledge of 'Aqabah

    13 B.H: 2nd Pledge of 'Aqabah
    Mus'ab (ra) returns with 74 new Muslims from Makkah who pledge allegiance to the Prophet (saw). The general order to migrate to Madinah follows.
  • Sep 25, 622

    13 B.H: The Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr begin migration to Madinah

    13 B.H: The Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr begin migration to Madinah
    Quraysh chieftans and Iblis have council of Dar al-Nadwah to plan to assassination of Muhammad (saw). Jibreel informs Prophet Allah has ordered him to migrate, and of the assassination plot. The Prophet (saw) escapes the plot by having 'Ali (ra) sleep in his bed. Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra) take a perilous journey of migration to madinah, with the Quraysh in pursuit.
  • Sep 27, 622

    0 A.H: Migration to Madinah

    0 A.H: Migration to Madinah
    The Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr spend three nights in a cave hiding from their Qurayshi pursuers.
    He arrives in Qubaa on the outskirts of Yathrib and stayed there for four days during which he laid the foundation of Quebaa Mosque.
    After performing the Friday prayer, the Prophet (saw) and entourage arrived in Madinah on 27 September, where jubilant crowds of Muslims greeted him. He stayed at Abu Ayyub Ansari's house.
  • Dec 4, 622

    0 A.H: The Prophet's family migrates

    0 A.H: The Prophet's family migrates
    Six months after the Prophet's settlement in Madinah, the Prophet and Abu Bakr's families migrate from Makkah.
  • Dec 31, 622

    0 A.H. Ali (ra) migrates

    0 A.H. Ali (ra) migrates
    Ali stays on for three days in Makkah to settle the Prophet's affairs, then went on foot to Qubaa where he met the Prophet (saw).
  • Mar 13, 623

    2 A.H: The Battle of Badr

    2 A.H: The Battle of Badr
    1300 soliders in the pagan army and about 317 soldiers in the Muslim army.
    Beginning with single combat challenges, the Quraysh lost their three best swordsman.
    Supported by an invisible army of angels, the Prophet also threw handfuls of dust in at the Quraysh saying "Let their faces be disfigured", referenced in 8:17.
    Abu Jahl was killed in this battle, which was also called "Yawm Al-Furqan" because it made distinct the lines between believers and disbelievers.
  • Mar 19, 624

    3 A.H: The Battle of Uhud

    3 A.H: The Battle of Uhud
    Having had two humiliating episodes of defeat to live down, the furious Quraysh began recruiting men for another battle against the Muslims. With 3,000 soldiers with 300 camels, 200 horses, and 700 coats of mail, they advanced towards Madinah. The Prophet had an army of 700 men. During the battle, a false rumour about the Prophet's death spread, which made some of the Muslims flee, and the pagans killed much of the army, and the Muslims barely won, with many casualities, including Hamza (ra).
  • Dec 4, 625

    4 A.H: Expedition Against Banu Nadir

    4 A.H: Expedition Against Banu Nadir
    By plotting against the Prophet (saw), the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir had shown they could not stick to the treaty made between them and the Muslims. The Prophet sent them a notice to leave Madinah within 10 days. The Hypocrites sent the tribe messages of support, so they prepared instead to fight, but the hypocrites' aid never came. After 6-14 days of siege, Banu Nadir surrendered and they were allowed to go safely into exile, taking whatever they could carry with them.
  • Dec 4, 626

    5 A.H: Preparation for the Battle of the Trench

    5 A.H: Preparation for the Battle of the Trench
    The exiled Jews of Bany Nadir secretly visited the Quraysh, and together they, along with Abu Sufyan and other notables swore an oath inside the Ka'bah to make a final attack against the Prophet and the Muslims. Knowing of the plan to attack the Muslims had dig a huge trench in 6 days around the most vulnerable parts of the city - an strategy unknown to the Arabs at the time.
  • Jan 4, 627

    6 A.H: The Battle of the Trench - Siege

    6 A.H: The Battle of the Trench - Siege
    An army of 10,000 Quraysh and allies marched towards Madinah. The Muslim army was only 3,000, but the disbelievers were unable to cross the trench and had to throw javelins across and laid siege to Madinah for a month. With supplies running out, and extermination seeming imminent, many of the Muslims were terrified, and angry accusations of the Hypocrites against Muhammad (saw) began,
  • Jan 11, 627

    6 AH: Attempt at Pilgramage and the Dejecting Truce

    6 AH: Attempt at Pilgramage and the Dejecting Truce
    Towards the end of Ramadan, the Prophet had a dream that with his head shaved, he entered Makakah unarmed in a state of peace. Hearing of this, 1500 Muslims gathered in preparation for pilgramage. However, they were detained at the gates of Makkah and refused entry. The Prophet sent Uthman in to negotiate, and the Muslims made an oath of ellegiance on behalf on Uthman (Baya' Al-Ridwan). The Prophet signed a peace treaty with the Quraysh that claused anyone who escape to Madinah must be returned.
  • Dec 4, 627

    Victory at the Battle of the Trench

    Victory at the Battle of the Trench
    The Muslims spent this period of impending danger in supplication. In response, Allah (swt) sent down a violent storm and an army of angels against the enemy forces, destroying their camp. The next morning the battlefield was deserted - the massive army of disbelievers had retreated and the Muslims had victory.
  • Oct 1, 630

    9 AH: Campaign of Tabuk

    9 AH: Campaign of Tabuk
    The Prophet (saw) took an army of 30,000 men to fight the powerful Roman army. The Muslims crossed four hundred kilometres of harsh desert to challenge them, and when the Romans learned of this, they decided not to face them in battle. The Prophet (saw) camped in Tabuk for 20 days to intimidate the Romans and their mercenaries.
  • Mar 3, 631

    10 AH: The Farewell Pilgramage

    10 AH: The Farewell Pilgramage
    The Prophet (saw) announced his intention and set out with a huge crowd of pilgrims and his wives to perform Hajj. On the plains of Arafah he gave a grand khutbah informing the Muslims he would not live to see another Hajj. He explained several final commandments regarding women, wealth, and war. And finally, he told the Muslims to hold fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah. He asked the masses whether he had delivered the message of Allah to them, to which they all responded with affirmation.
  • Jun 8, 632

    11 AH: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Passes Away

    11 AH: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Passes Away
    The Prophet (saw)'s health began to fail and he stayed in the quarters of Aisha (ra) while he was nursed by his wives. He ordered Aby Bakr to lead the prayers in his place. The Prophet's fever abated and he went to the mosque to pray beside Abu Bakr. He went back to Aishah, and as his health weakened, and he murmured some words ("With the blessed from among the prophets....etc.") three times, and then passed away on Monday 12 Rabi al Awwal with his head on Aishah (ra)'s chest.
  • 7 AH: Conquest of Khaybar

    7 AH: Conquest of Khaybar
    The Jewish settlement of Khaybar was still sitrring up resentments against the Muslims in the north. Muhammad (saw) took an army of 1,400 men who had taken the pledge near Hudaibiyah and proved their mettle. The siege lasted a month, with the Muslims defeating each of the many forts in turn. The Jews surrendered and the Prophet (saw) let them stay on their land, with its titles passing to him in conquest.
    As well, the Muslims who were living in Abyssinia returned after 13 years.
  • The Year of the Elephant

    The Year of the Elephant
    Abraha tries and fails to destroy the Ka'bah.
    Muhammad (saw)'s father Abdullah passes away during this year.
  • Abdul-Muttalib passes away

    Abdul-Muttalib passes away
    The Prophet SAW's grandfather passes away. At 8 years old, Muhammad goes under the protection of his uncle, Abu Talib.
  • Bahira the monk recognises Muhammad as a Prophet and warns Abu Talib

    Bahira the monk recognises Muhammad as a Prophet and warns Abu Talib
    Abu Talib, now informed that his nephew is destined to be blessed by God with prophethood, sends Muhammad back to Medina for protection.
  • Hilf al-Fudool, or "League of the Victorious" is created.

    Hilf al-Fudool, or "League of the Victorious" is created.
    This is a pivotal witness moment of justice for the young Muhammad.
  • Muhammad begins work as a shepherd, following in the footsteps of his prophetic predecessors.

    Muhammad begins work as a shepherd, following in the footsteps of his prophetic predecessors.
    Nearly every prophet before Muhammad had learned the essential "street-wise" skills of prophethood through being a shepherd of some sort.
  • Marriage to Khadijah bint Khuwalid

    Marriage to Khadijah bint Khuwalid
    Muhammad was employed by Khadijah as a businessman and trader. Impressed by the young man, Khadijah sends him an offer of marriage, which he accepts. She was either 28 or 40 years of age and he was about 25 years of age.
  • 9B.H: The Boycott is Revoked

    9B.H: The Boycott is Revoked
    Many Makkans, already uneasy at the starvation inflicted on the prominent tribes of Hashim and Abdul-Muttalib, decide to take a look at the document which decreed the boycott. To their surprise, ants had eaten the whole document except for "Bismillah irahman arahim". The Quraysh revoke the boycott.
  • 10 B.H The Year of Sorrow

    10 B.H The Year of Sorrow
    Weakened by the starvation and hardship during the boycott, the beloved wife of Muhammad (saw) Khadijah (ra) passes away. After a short time, so does the Prophet's uncle and biggest protector, Abu Talib.
    The Prophet unsuccessfully tries to invite the people of Taa'if to Islam, but is driven out. He refuses the offer of their destruction and instead prays for their guidance.
  • 10 B.H The moon splits

    10 B.H The moon splits
    Given a choice, the Prophet decides that instead of a "miracle/sign" demanded by the Quraysh, Allah should let the door of forgiveness be open for the Quraysh. Allah wills that the moon split in half as a sign to the Quraysh. They refuse to believe.
  • 7 AH: The Treaty of Hudaybiyah

    7 AH: The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
    Unnerved by a new stronghold of Makkan Muslim escapees who were waylaying trade caravans of the Quraysh, they Quraysh asked Muhammad (saw) to take this band of Muslims into Madinah, and further agreed that anybody going to the Muslim side from Makkah would be left in peace.
  • Peacetime during the Treaty of Hudaybiyah

    Peacetime during the Treaty of Hudaybiyah
    The truce that ensued with the Treaty of Hudaybiyah profoundly boosted the spread of Islam. Muslims were able to mix with other Arabs and do da'wah to the point that more people became Muslim in the following 2 years than had in 19 years. Khalid ibn Waleed and Uthman ibn Talha accepted Islam. The Prophet also sent letters to monarchs of several lands with messages of Islam, including Abyssinia, Rome, and Persia.
  • 8 AH: Umrah is finally performed

    8 AH: Umrah is finally performed
    In accordance to the treaty, the Muslims were now free after a year to set out for Umrah. They did so and performed it under the astonished gaze of the Quraysh. The Quraysh saw the strength and religious fervour of the Muslims of Madinah and it unnerved them.
  • Ramadan 8 AH: The Conquest of Makkah

    Ramadan 8 AH: The Conquest of Makkah
    Fearing attack, the Quraysh sent Abu Sufyan as envoy to the Prophet, and it was there that he accepted Islam and learnt about the plan to attack Makkah. He told the Makkans of this plan, specifying that anyone who retreats into his house, their own house, or in the Ka'bah will be safe. On the 10th of Ramadan, the Muslims entered and occupied Makkah without opposition. Upon reaching the Ka'bah, the Prophet smashed the idols. He made a speech granting amnesty and the Quraysh pledged allegiance.