Small michael cera

Michael Cera

  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Fall of Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire fell apart around 476. By the year 500, it had been broken down into many German-ruled states. Chrsitianity had become the dominating religion, eventually playing a substantial role in the development of Europe in the post-Roman Empire era.
  • Period: 500 to 510

    Clovis, King of the Frankish Kingdom

    In 500, Clovis was a strong military leader, and was the first Germanic leader to become a Christian. By 510, his Frankish Kingdom stretched from the Pyrenees to Eastern German lands.
  • Period: 527 to 565

    The Reign of Justinian

    He became emperor at 527. His goal was to regain the Meditteranean world for the Roman Empire. He reached his goals by in 568. However, most of the land was later lost after his death.
  • Period: 527 to Jan 1, 1423

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire was a smaller portion of the Eastern Roman Empire. It contained both Greek and Christian elements. By 1025, it had resumed it's original size; however, by 1071, they would start to decline after a Turkish army defeated them.
  • Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's Life

    Born in 570. Became caravan manager. His boss was Khadija, a widower, who would become his eventual wife. He would visit hills to pray. During one trip he recieved revelations from God. He started preaching . After three years, he had only 30 followers, so he moved to Madinah. Got support here. In 630, he moved to Mekkah, and captured it using his followers. Two years later he dies.
  • Sep 12, 622


    Muhammad and his 30 followers moved to Madinah to gain more followers. This led to the expansion of his group.
  • Sep 12, 632

    First Caliph

    First Caliph
    Abu Bakr takes over after Muhammad's death. He is the first caliph (succesor). He was Muhammad's father in law, and was a wealthy merchant.
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Umayyads moved capital to Damascus

    The Umayyads moved capital to Damascus
    Mu'awiyah moved the capital from Madinah to Damascus.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    The Umayyads Dynasty

    Murawiyah, the governer of Syria, became caliph. Made the caliph system hereditary. Moved capital from Madinah to Damscus, Syria. Defeated in 717 by Byzantines.
  • Jan 1, 710

    Crossing the Strait

    Crossing the Strait
    Beber and Arab crossed strait of Gilbralter, occupied Southern Spain.
  • Jan 1, 725

    Spain Muslims center in Cordorba

    Spain Muslims center in Cordorba
  • Jan 1, 732

    Umayyads defeated by France

    Umayyads defeated by France
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    The Abbasid Dynasty

    Abu al-Abbas overthrew Umayyads dynasty. They moved the capital city in Baghdad in 762. The Golden Age of Abbs was 9th Century with Harun al-Rashid. They controlled trade. Baghdad became center of trade. Individual dynasties started to establish themselves in 973.
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to

    Golden Age of Islamic Society

    Beginnning in 750, trade began to flourish during the Abbasid Dynasty. Women had spiritual and social equality with men.Muslims embraced Greek philosophy. Invented astrolabes. Able to express Islamic art in their Muslim mosques.
  • Jan 1, 762


    Abbasids moved capital to Baghdad, it was well placed on a caravan route. This would contribute to Abbasid dynasties later wealth.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Seljuk Turks Takeover

    Seljuk Turks Takeover
    When the Fatimids took over, they hired nomads to build their strong army. The nomad group who soon gained more and more power were the Seljuk Turks. Soon, they gained enough power that in 1055, their Turkish leader was able to capture Baghdad and gain control of the whole empire. He would become the sultan, making the Abbasid caliph simply a religious figure-head.
  • Oct 4, 1066

    William of Normandy and Battle of Hastings

    William of Normandy and Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy landed on coast of England and defeated King Harold at Battle of Hastings. He would later be crowned king of England. This crowning would lead to the combination of Norman and Anglo-Saxon elements.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1095 to Jan 1, 1272

    Crusades (and Pope Urban II)

    The Crusades were military expeditions led by the Pope with the goal of capturing Jerusalem from the Muslims. Pope Urban II responded to request by the Byzantine emperor Alexius I to help defend against the Seljuk Turks. Seljuk Turks were Muslims. This would effectively launch the first crusade. The only crusade to actually succeed for the Catholics was the first one. However, the Crusades would introduce Europe to more advanced techonology and help update their society.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    King John and the Magna Carta

    King John and the Magna Carta
    English nobles hated King John and his growing power. In response, they forced him to sign a document called the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Recognized the fact that a Monarch's power is limited and not absolute.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    Mongols in The Middle East

    Mongols in The Middle East
    Lead by Hulegu, the Mongols captured Persia and Mesopotamia. They ended the Abbasid caliphate at Baghdad. Though Hulegu didn't like Islam and destroyed Baghdad in 1258, Mongols eventually converted to Islam and intermarried with the people.
  • Period: Oct 1, 1347 to Jan 1, 1351

    Black Death

    The Black Death, bubonic plague, was spread by infested rats brought from Italy. By the end of 1347, it had spread to southern Italy and southern France. In 1349, it began to destory the populations of England. 38 million people died out of 75 million people in Europe.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Jan 1, 1417

    The Great Schism

    Division of Catholic church and Europe between two Popes. Each Pope proclaimed the other the antichrist. People's faith in church fell.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1478 to

    Spanish Inquisition

    Wanted to drive out Judaism and Islam from Spain. Established by Queen Isabella to supress any heretics in Spain. Tortured and questioned many heretics.
  • Charlemagne becomes ruler of Franks Kingdom

    Charlemagne becomes ruler of Franks Kingdom
    He was determined, decisive, intelligent, curious, Christian and illiterate.
  • Charles dies, Kingdom falls apart

    Charles dies, Kingdom falls apart
  • Feudalism begins to develop

    Feudalism begins to develop
    After the death of Charlemagne, his kingdom was left vunerable to invasions by vikings. The people, in response, looked to the nobility for protection. In return for their service and loyalty, people would be given protection from their lords. This system would be called Feudalism. Another part of Feudalism include vassals. Vassals acted as a military force for their lord. These vassals were later given fiefs, a grant of land, in return for their loyalty and services.
  • Cairo becomes capital

    Cairo becomes capital
    The Fatimids were part of the provinces that broke away from the Abbasid empire, establishing their own capital in Cairo in 973. The center of the cultural Islan world would soon shift there. Trade would be directed there.
  • Period: to

    Charles expanded terriortory

    Expanded terriortory to much of Western and Central Europe.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1160

    Holy Roman Empire

  • Period: to

    The Holy Roman Empire

    During the 10th century, the Saxons became the kings of the eastern part of the Frankish kingdom. Otto I protected the pope, and in return, became the emperor of the Romans in 962. He tried to capture Italy since he considered in the ceneter of the holy empire. However, he was opposed by the Pope and the Italian people who did want to be ruled by him. Since he spent all his time in Italy, the Germans were left with a weak goverment and instead, was split up into individual kingdoms.