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Islam Timeline

  • 570

    Mohammed is born

    Mohammed is born
    Mohammed is born. The exact date of his birth is unknown but it is thought to be in the year 570. He was born in the city Mecca and raised by his uncle / grandparents.
  • Period: 570 to

    Islam Timeline

  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammed is revaled as a prophet

    Muhammed is revaled as a prophet
    The angel Gabriel visted Muhammed one night and told him that he was a prophet that has to carry on the message that there was only one god and his name was Allah.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Mohammed and his followers flee to Medina

    Mohammed and his followers flee to Medina
    In Mecca Mohammed tried spreading his religion. Most people didn't like his idea of only one god. They threatened to kill him if he didn't leave Mecca. Mohammed took his followers and left for Medina to hide.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Mohammed conquers Mecca

    Mohammed conquers Mecca
    After hiding in Medina Mohhamed marches back to Mecca with his army of followers. They conquer Mecca and name it the holy city of Islam.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Death of Mohammed

    Death of Mohammed
    Mohammed passes away in Mecca. His followers are devasted but they continue to spread Islamic faith.
  • Jan 4, 655

    Assassination of Uthman, the third Caliph

    Assassination of Uthman, the third Caliph
    Uthman was assassinated in 641. He was 3 third Calpih, or successor to Muhammed
  • Mar 16, 661

    The Umayyad Dynasty begins

    The Umayyad Dynasty begins
    Muawiya becomes the Caliph and starts the Umayyad Dynasty. It grew to become the biggest dynasty yet.
  • Mar 16, 711

    The conquest of Andalusia and the Arab conquest of Sind begin

    Tariq ibn Ziyad begins the conquest for Andalusia or Southern Spain. The Arab conquest for India or Sind is lead by Muhammad ibn Qasim.
  • Mar 16, 711

    Arabs conquer the Indus Valley

    Arabs conquer the Indus Valley
    After capturing the Indus Valley the Arabs do not attack further.
  • Mar 16, 732

    The defeat at the battle of Tours

    The defeat at the battle of Tours
    The defeat at the battle of Tours stopped the Muslim's advance into western Europe.
  • Mar 16, 750

    The Umayyad dynasty falls

    The Umayyad dynasty falls
    Abbasids captures Damascus which ends Umayyad rule.
  • Mar 16, 1000

    Muslim Turks and Afghans invade India

    At this time they were just adventureres
  • Mar 16, 1095

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The First Crusade was the long fight over Jerusalem.
  • Mar 16, 1099

    The fight over Jerusalem

    The fight over Jerusalem
    The Christian crusaders took over Jerusalem and the Muslims and Christians fought over it for a long time. After a while the Christians win control over Jerusalem and end The First Crusade
  • Mar 16, 1100

    Hindu armies are defeated

    Hindu armies are defeated
    The sultan of Ghur defeated the Hindu armies and made Delhi the capital.
  • Mar 16, 1206

    The start of the Delhi Sultanate

    A sultanate is a land ruled by a sultan. This marks the start of Muslim rule in Northern India.
  • Mar 16, 1299

    Mongols invade Syria

    The Mongols attack Syria and within 10 days the city surrenders.
  • Mar 16, 1300

    The Ottoman Empire expands

    The Ottoman Empire expands
    They expanded throughout Asai Minor and souwthwestern Europe. Their capital was located in the Balkan Peninsula
  • Mar 16, 1398

    Tamerlane invades India

    Tamerlane raids and defeats Dehli easily. He forces the captured to build Tamerlane's capital
  • Mar 16, 1398

    Tamerlane invades India

    Tamerlane invades India
    Tamerlane raids and defeats Delhi with ease and forces the captured to build his capital
  • Mar 16, 1453

    The Byzantine Empire falls

    The Byzantine Empire falls
    The Ottomans attack Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine empire. They capture Constantinople, make it the capital of the Ottoman empire and the Byzantine Empire crumbles.
  • Mar 16, 1500

    The Safavid Empire is formed

    The Safavid Empire is formed
    The dynasty unites a strong empire in present day IRan. They were between 2 strong empire and were in war constanltly.
  • Mar 16, 1520

    The golden age of the Ottoman Empire

    The golden age of the Ottoman Empire
    From 1520 to 1566 the Ottoman Empire was in a golden age under the rule of the sultan Suleiman.
  • Mar 16, 1526

    Turkish and Mongol invaders invade India

    Turkish and Mongol invaders invade India
    Babur leads the charge and defeats the sultan Ibrahim. He then conquers India
  • Mar 16, 1529

    Suleiman attacks Vienna

    Suleiman attacks Vienna
    Even though Suleiman failes to capture Vienna the rest of Western Europe is frightened.
  • Mar 16, 1556

    The Mughal Dynasty

    The Mughal Dynasty
    After defeating the army of the sultanate Babur sweeps through India and begins the Mughal Dynasty
  • Shah Abbas rules

    Shah Abbas rules
    From 1588 to 1629 Shah Abbas rules the Safavid Empire. He centralizes the governmnet and creates a powerful military.
  • The Ottoman Empire falls

    The Ottoman Empire falls
    The rest of Europe devolps better miitary technology while the Ottomans still relied on agriculture. Slowly, the Ottomans were chipped away at untill they fell.
  • The Safavid Empire falls

    The Safavid Empire falls
    The Sunni Afghan rebe, they defeat imperal armies and force the Safavid ruler to stand down.
  • The end of the Mughal Dynasty

    The end of the Mughal Dynasty
    The Mughal Dynasty falls apart.
  • The city of Baghdad reaches its peak

    The city of Baghdad reaches its peak
    Caliph Harun al-Rashid rules Baghdad from 786-809 when it reached its peak. He was an admired leader who was seen as a symbol of welth
  • The Caliphate Empire begane to fall apart

    The Caliphate Empire begane to fall apart
    In Spain, Egyp, and more seperate dynasties appeared and the Caliph's power went down. Civil wars began and the Shiite took over parts of the empire.