World Cultures Timeline Assignment

By Tayyab
  • 570

    The Birth of Prophet Muhammad

    The Birth of Prophet Muhammad
    Prophet Muhammad was born in the year 570 C.E in Mecca (the birthplace of prophet Muhammad and Islam itself).
  • 610

    The Start of Islam

    The Start of Islam
    At the time Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old, he was visited by one of the angles whose name was Gabriel in a cave just near Mecca. Prophet Muhammad was told that he was Allah's Prophet. Gabriel then proceeded to tell Prophet Muhammad that he was asked to call his people so that they could worship Allah however, the people were opposed to the idea.
  • 622

    The Mark of Hijrah (Emigration)

    The Mark of Hijrah (Emigration)
    After Prophet Muhammad left Yathrib with his fellow followers for requesting people to join Islam and beginning to face backlash, he and his fellow followers migrated to the nearest town, Yathrib.
  • 630

    Prophet Muhammad Returns to Mecca

    Prophet Muhammad Returns to Mecca
    Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca from Medina and brought along an immense group of his followers. He returned quietly and violence free.
  • Jun 8, 632

    The Death of Prophet Muhammad

    The Death of Prophet Muhammad
    Prophet Muhammad died upon his return to Medina at his wife's home after he fell sick for a couple of days at the age of 62 years old. A conflict arose within the Muslim community as to who was going to become the first caliph for Islam, so the community agreed upon choosing Prophet Muhammad's father-in-law and dear companion, Abu Bakr as the first caliph.
  • 655

    Islam Spreads

    Islam Spreads
    Islam spreads throughout North America.
  • 661

    The Beginning of The Umayyad Rule

    The Beginning of The Umayyad Rule
    During this year, the death of the fourth honorable caliph, Imam Ali occurred, and this had brought the ruling of the four honorable caliphs to an end. This also marked the beginning of the Umayyad Rule.
  • 711

    Islam Continues To Grow

    Islam Continues To Grow
    Muslims began entering countries such as India in the east side and Spain in the west side.
  • 750

    The Umayyad's Lose Control of Power

    The Umayyad's Lose Control of Power
    The Umayyad's lost their power to control the Islamic World and the power to rule was given over to the Abbasid's.
  • 1000

    Islam Spreads Even More

    Islam Spreads Even More
    Islam was continuing to spread throughout Nigeria and the continent of Africa.
  • 1120

    Islam Is Continuing To Rapidly Growing

    Islam Is Continuing To Rapidly Growing
    Islam is now spreading throughout Asia and the Malaysians traders are beginning to socialize and connect with Muslims to learn more about Islam.
  • The Nation of Islam Is Introduced To The United States

    The Nation of Islam Is Introduced To The United States
    In the year 1930, W. D. Fard introduced and established The Nation of Islam to the United States.
  • Wallace. D. Muhammad Takes Over The Nation of Islam

    Wallace. D. Muhammad Takes Over The Nation of Islam
    After the unfortunate death of Elijah Muhammad, his son Wallace.D.Muhammad took over the leadership for The Nation of Islam.
  • 9/11 Attacks on the Twin Towers

    9/11 Attacks on the Twin Towers
    On September 11th, 2001, a terrorists group attacked the Twin Towers in New York City, United States of America