Umayyad Dynasty, Abbasid Caliphate, and Al-Andalus

  • Period: 661 to 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    Rise & Fall
  • 711

    Umayyad Dynasty - Invasion of Spain

    Umayyad Dynasty - Invasion of Spain
    In the year 711, Umayyad and Berger forces began the invasion of Spain. This event is incredibly important because it would begin the long period of "Al-Andalus" (Islamic control of Spain)
  • Period: 718 to 1031


    Rise & Fall
  • 732

    Umayyad Dynasty - The Battle of Tours

    Umayyad Dynasty - The Battle of Tours
    After incredible expansion on Western Europe by the Umayyad Dynasty, they were stopped at the Battle of Tours in southern France. In the end, Frankish leader Charles Martel was victorious. This event is incredibly important because it signifies the defeat of the Umayyad forces and demonstrates that other powers are capable of fighting back against Islamic forces.
  • 737

    Al-Andalus - Taking Of The City Of Avignon, Aries, And Provence

    Al-Andalus - Taking Of The City Of Avignon, Aries, And Provence
    After the defeat in the Battle of Tours, aforementioned Frankish leader Charles Martel was determined to gain more control in France. He successfully retook the French cities of Avignon, Aries, and Provence in the year 737. This event is important because it exhibits the steady pushback the Islamic forces were receiving and would continue to receive.
  • 739

    Al-Andalus - Islamic Forces Defeated And Removed

    Al-Andalus - Islamic Forces Defeated And Removed
    After being defeated twice by Frankish leader Charles Martel, Islamic forces were permanently removed from southern France. This is important because it's one of the first cases of native Europeans fighting back and winning against the Islamic forces; gradually exhibiting the weaknesses of Islamic forces.
  • Period: 750 to 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Rise & Fall
  • 755

    Al-Andalus - Prince Abd Al-Rahman comes to Al-Andalus

    Al-Andalus - Prince Abd Al-Rahman comes to Al-Andalus
    In 755, Prince Abd Al-Rahman comes to the weakened Al-Andalus. This is important because it's the lead-up to Al-Rahman's conquering of Al-Andalus.
  • 756

    Al-Andalus - Prince Abd Al-Rahman Establishes An Independent Emirate

    Al-Andalus - Prince Abd Al-Rahman Establishes An Independent Emirate
    In 756, Abd Al-Rahman defeated everyone in Al-Andalus and established an independent emirate, making him an emir. This is an incredibly important period in time because he would go on to rule from the city of Cordoba, later commissioning the Mosque of Cordoba. His descendants would go on to rule over Al-Andalus.
  • 762

    Abbasid Caliphate - Baghdad Is Constructed

    Abbasid Caliphate - Baghdad Is Constructed
    In 762, the infamous capital of the Abbasid Caliphate is constructed. Caliph Abu Al-Abbas pictured Baghdad as a wonderful, prosperous city. This event is extremely important because it signifies the beginning of an incredibly powerful dynasty, with Baghdad allowing the dynasty to flourish.
  • Period: 786 to 809

    Abbasid Caliphate - Harun Al-Rashid

    Harun Al-Rashid was one of the most successful rulers during the Abbasid Caliphate. He made peace with the powerful Frankish leader, Charlemagne; gifting him presents and embassies. Through Charlemagne he was able to keep the Abbasid Caliphate connected with the "outside world." The ruling of Harun Al-Rashid is important because he was an incredibly influential leader, and without him, the Abbasid Caliphate suffered.
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Al-Andalus - Caliphate of Cordoba (Golden Age)

    The Caliphate of Cordoba is the Golden Age of Al-Andalus. Cordoba would go on to become the largest city of its time. Poetry, writing, arts, culture, and more flourished in Cordoba. Along with this, there was an increased sense of tolerance. This is an important time period in the history of Al-Andalus because it was, arguably, the best time period.
  • 1055

    Abbasid Caliphate - Seljuk Turks Conquer Baghdad

    Abbasid Caliphate - Seljuk Turks Conquer Baghdad
    In 1055, the Seljuk Turks conquered the capital city of Baghdad. This is important because the city of Baghdad was incredibly vital to the Abbasid Caliphate, and without it, trade would be diminished.